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Venice · 46-50, F
Oh No.. these are the best years!.. children grown, finances sorted.. I can handle a few wrinkles :)

Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Actually I think some people look fantastic as they age and look even better. There’s a few that have given up, not gonna lie.
@Keepitsimple believe it or not, My Dad still has my Grandma's Frigidaire from when he was a kid. it's in the garage for beer. they don't make them like they used to
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Oh yes they do..I can’t get mine to blow up so I have an excuse to get a new one 😂@saragoodtimes
@Keepitsimple dishwashers are another story have gone through four
4meAndyou · F
When I was five years old I had a little friend who lived down the street. Her parents and mine were friendly all of our lives, but she was not a good person.

I decided to give her another chance and invited her to my New to the Neighborhood barbecue, and I thought to myself, "Wow! She must have lived really HARD!" She had no fat on her body at all, and her face had turned into a terrible web of fine wrinkles. Not everyone ages at the same rate.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
I run into old people and then think, “Shit! They’re my classmates!”.
curiosi · 61-69, F
I have a friend that I don't see for YEARS. First thing she says to me "Don't you ever age?".
No, but I do wonder why we ever became friends.
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
@SW-User lol
SweetMae · 70-79, F
A class reunion. Some of them looked better!
Virgo94 · 26-30, F
To be honest I don't meet up with friends from school or that I haven't seen. The friends I do have, I keep up with. The people I went to school with...I never want to see again lol.
Nah, we talk about old funny inside jokes, how things have changed, but not in a bad way, our families, and how fucked up our hair was back then, omg hahaa!
Adamski24 · 41-45, M
We are exactly the same.
If one got reading glasses we got them.
Or who ever remembered to bring their readers reads the menu to everyone.
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some look older, some look fine but I'm like a fine getting so much better with age
Justenjoyit · 56-60, M
I like meeting up with people from the past😊 lots are old forces mates.

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