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nekomancerSenpai · 22-25, M
because theyounger generations use it to the point its lost all meaning? its just a formality at this point

“I’m sorry...I was wrong...I apologize”
are good things. Saying ‘I’m sorry” repeatedly doesn’t actually mean you’re sorry. It means you want the other person to forgive you and forget it ever happened. They may not be ready to do that.
hami1091 · 41-45, F
@Mamapolo2016 I seen your reply on my home page scrolling down so decided to revisit post to say I would love to meet Clyde. 😂
LaurieKitKat94 · 26-30, F
@Mamapolo2016 That's mean
I don’t see it as mean.

ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
Some words, when overused, lose their power ...
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@SW-User that's not a good idea either... Just makes them madder often... My approach is to try and stay calm, admit were both upset and let's calm down brute we talk further... Then skedaddle lol
@ozgirl512 so do you talk or not? Lol
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@SW-User you have to... Either that or start walking, it's your only choices
Shell · 31-35, F
Why do you keep repeating it? Perhaps because of this it makes you seem insincere. Like you're trying to provoke instead of actually being sorry
Shell · 31-35, F
@LaurieKitKat94 But it seems you aren't nice at all. How dare you wrong someone and expect them to forgive you right on the spot. That's selfish and way pass rude. No wonder he doesn't respond
LaurieKitKat94 · 26-30, F
@Shell No I was showing him how sorry I was but he didn't respond. People that don't respond are rude and selish. Why is this so difficult to understand? People are becoming meaner these days. We need to be nice
Shell · 31-35, F
@LaurieKitKat94 I don't think anyone wants to be mean. Your dad doesn't sound mean or rude. He even acknowledge he heard you, however grudge fully but you repeating it is demanding he forgive you and that's selfish and insincere. If youre sorry, youd think you deserve him to be angry but its like you don't think so
hami1091 · 41-45, F
Mine always said it was just a word and didn't fix anything.

I would almost think we had the same dad except mine never seemed to mind me being underfoot or pestering him. He even didn't mind when he'd go to bed at 7 am and Id wake him up a few hours later and multiple times throughout the day. Patient he was but sorry was never accepted. 🤷‍♀️
Some people find saying sorry to be a very hard thing to do. I’ve never once heard my mother apologize for anything. 😟
It implies guilt / admitting of a wrongdoing - in a way. Nobody says it because they do not want to be sued. Yea- that our nation.
Probably because sorry rarely actually changes anything.
LaurieKitKat94 · 26-30, F
@SW-User Yeah but they don't have to be so cold about it. It seems like adults are more difficult than kids are. My dad doesn't believe in sorry anymore.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
I agree with Oz. If they are just words they mean nothing without actions behind them.
I'm sorry you see it that way
So sorry, Uncle Albert.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Sorry means zippo without actions to back it up. Saying sorry is useless if there is not a change in behavior.

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