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Murchu · 31-35, M
Ridiculous,plenty of intelligent people have perversions.unfortunately like any intrest or quirk so do a great many idiots

Carver · 31-35, F
I would say that's pretty logical but I'm the one who said that, lol. But I can only wonder why that bothers you so much. 🤔
@Carver Then there's no point in us talking. This isn't evidence here. It's proof. You ignore that, so clearly this is not logical argument. Have fun with that ✌️
Carver · 31-35, F
@SW-User Nice. Who's being ridiculous now? 🙄
@Carver Bye bye now.
You have a good one
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
I´ll add some personal views.

Pedophilia always, actual rape (all of what is not consensual) and some others ARE sick pervertions.

Sexual practices that are not vainilla ones, erotic fantasies and so within consensual enjoyment are not perversions. Provided all involved are willing adults and there is not abuse, harm nor severe power imbalance that may distort consent.

Just for me and the kind of relationships a choose to be in, I also need sexual exclusivity for intimacy.

But this is each couple´s choice (but cheating is not), no matter if third ones in sex are not of MY interest at all.
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CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@RemovedUsername553523 Thank you lady! 🌹
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
@SW-User Iron, sorry if I added some personal thoughts not totally related to your specific question.

My first anwering post was: I´ve said, explicitelly, that IMO, is not related to intellectual level.

Why have I added the second post?

Because I see that the concept of what is perversion deserves some definition.
Part of it use to be personal.
Other practices (actual rape, pedophilia) shouldn´t be tolerated.
nahright09 · 41-45, M
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
Emotional health is not necessarily associated to intellect.

In another view, neither all sexual kinks are perversions.
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I think this is logical and truth. A person of high intellect can see the possible outcomes of their behavior ,and choose to use self control ,if the possible outcome is harmful to another being,including themselves.
@SW-User But plenty of people are open to perversion.
Please, do go on
We all have sex drives. One would assume a person with high intellect would know there is no shame in embracing it.
@MorbidCynic Hm. Interesting thought
maybe you'll find one or two
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JBird · F
I don't think so. Perverts can come from anywhere.
UckfayOuyayOotay · 46-50, M
Apparently Ghandi was a pedophile, so there's that 🤷‍♂️
@UckfayOuyayOotay And remember, there are plenty of people spreading lies. Raising the fucked up people, and putting down the good ones. This is apparent in most news sources
@UckfayOuyayOotay It's not showing up for me either 🤷‍♂️
I'm American. Idk if that changes things for results that much
UckfayOuyayOotay · 46-50, M
@SW-User American here too. Just highlight it and right click and choose open in new tab...opens right up 🤷‍♂️ But it's also the first result for a google search of Ghandi pedophile
Onegirl · F
@Onegirl I love that word 😂
DunDunDun · 22-25, F
No that's wrong lol. Smarter people are better at hiding it tho. More likely to get away with sexual assault and sexually abusing kids and such.
Inaccurate, based upon historical record. Rousseau, Mozart just to name a couple, had some rather eye-opening writings.
@bijouxbroussard Oh. A learned answer with facts. I like this one.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
That sounds logical to me. They tend to think with the wrong head, focusing way too much on sex. There could be exceptions to that, but that has been my experience with them for the most part.
DDonde · 31-35, M
"Pervert" is a slur and not well defined.
That is to say, your question has no real answer.
@DDonde That's for you to decide. We all just see what we want to see anyway
DDonde · 31-35, M
@SW-User Then why are you even asking this? Any argument over "pervert" is going to be pointless if nobody agrees on its meaning.
@DDonde Ugh. Just go away

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