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glad18 · M
It was a great age for me.
glad18 · M
If only we could relive it! I really believe youth is wasted on the young.
@glad18 agreed

KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
Never. For some reason that word makes me think of trees.
Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
With a partner?
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
ALL day Sunday
Late 2015, I think. Before that person it was February of 2007.
All my time from 07-17 is pretty muddled together.
October 16th, 2012. (8 year Wedding anniversary)
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Rokasu · 36-40, M
Like a year ago.
Master1A · 70-79, M
This morning.
CharlieZ · 70-79, M
St0ut · 51-55, M
It’s been far tooo long. A man is not complete unlesss he is one with the one he loves and when that doesn’t happen love starts to wither
Chulazon · 100+, F
This last Sunday . so regret it .
Spitbak · 56-60, M
"When I come over...I'm coming over!"
Not sure what you mean
RemovedUsername879813 · 26-30, M
Back in nom
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Willingly, July.

After much cajoling and abuse from my child's narcissist father, I caved in November and just 'got it over with' to shut him up. I equate to rape but our last therapist didn't.
Master1A · 70-79, M
@Starcrossed Sorry that you are involved with that kind of an ass. There is no reason for you to have to submit to him if you don't want to. I am assuming you are either divorced or weren't married and have separated . If he is using emotional force to get you to submit it is assault. Just say no and mean it..
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@Master1A contested divorcing, custody disagreement [I asked for 50/50, he wants sole]. We live together still. It's obviously a bad situation. I usually do say no. It wears one down. I'm aware it's assault. Marital rape / rape by coercion and or cajoling is a complex icky subject for too many people.
Master1A · 70-79, M
@Starcrossed Got it. Sorry for your situation, and hoping you can accomplish some resolution in the near future.
I fornicated with my hub years ago but we're married now.😁

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