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EugenieLaBorgia · F
Is it the thought of being rude or the thought that you do not wish them to feel rejected...cast aside as though they were completely worthless and should never have interacted with you in the first place...?
Slowly fade away and only answer about half of their messages until they get the hint or just move on. Works pretty good for me.
wstcstrob · 51-55, M
You do the usual, I'll call/text ya and then don't. They won't see it as rude because it happens all the time.
Jibby · 56-60, C
Well how could it bother you if you're not keeping in touch with them
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Dunno, I'm usually on the reverse end of that.
TacoCat · 26-30, M
"I'm dead so I can't talk to you"
Killroy59 · 61-69, M
Tell him to take a long walk on a shot pier , tell him to gedafukoutahere, tell him your boyfriend who was in prison for breaking the legs on this guy who just looked at you is coming home, tell him you just found out you got an STD .
I mean what da fuck does he know ? It’s all a lie anyway
I mean what da fuck does he know ? It’s all a lie anyway
Dan193 · 31-35, M
Never ask questions and always give 1 word answers.
I tell them exactly that.. or if I think it’s going to be a hassle or if I’m too busy I just stop replying
Gingerbreadspice · F
I block them.
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It depends on why i guess. If they were once important to you...or you know you are to honest, tell them why...and consider their feelings.
Its terribly unpleasent being on the other end of this not not knowing why.
Its terribly unpleasent being on the other end of this not not knowing why.
Gingerbreadspice · F
@SW-User I’m sure it is but if they ever meant anything to me. I wouldn’t block them without some kind of indirect warning or if we were having an argument and I told them to leave me alone but they wouldn’t.
@Gingerbreadspice its seems to be the norm these days. All im saying is...even the people in yr PC and phone have feelings.
Many forget that.
I dont know your story. If you feel the only way yo get rid of them is to block and ghost them.....then thats what you must do.
Many forget that.
I dont know your story. If you feel the only way yo get rid of them is to block and ghost them.....then thats what you must do.
I just go silent.
cheesyAF · 31-35, M
It's not you, it's my mum.