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How broken are you?

Elegy · 46-50
Using imagery you might be familiar with.
Tiny fragments. All that’s left.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Smashed to smitherenes
Peaceful · F
This is me. 😅

[image deleted]
mljenkins · 51-55, F
I used to be very broken, I was almost gone, I mean, I was about to get out permanently. Then I got busy, not by my choice but by my choice. In the lowest of all times in my life I was asked to take in 3 kids and I said I would do it. Now I have no time to think about it. At first I was like I couldn't do it, but then I had to do it. It's been one year and 9 months and I rarely, if ever think about not wanting to be here any more and I don't feel broken and my thinking is much better. Good luck to you, however I don't suggest taking on 3 kids to cure you, that's just what helped me. Well that and probably taking my meds regularly.
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Shattered, but I've learned to live with it. I use my fragments as a shield, and my shards as daggers.
not much anymore, im healing.
So broken.... irreparable
rckt148 · 61-69, M
I was broken beyond all recognition
But you finally have to get over yourself
or waste your future too
Hosking · 26-30, M
Ducktaped and nailed back together. But luckily I have a life time warranty :)
I don't consider myself broken anymore; just a little dysfunctional.
Not very. I’ve got some SERIOUS scar tissue. But nope I’m whole and happy
Some days i only feel half the person...

bunnyXbunny · 36-40, M
Call me Humpty Dumpty.
Down but not out..
Batman · 41-45, M
caccoon · 36-40
I'm okay one minute, and a huge, crying, shaking mess the next.

So, I don't know.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
how bout you?
PepperMint · 26-30, F
Irreparably @MartinTheFirst
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@PepperMint *dances with you*
PepperMint · 26-30, F
You’re adorable @MartinTheFirst

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