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69mrsmith69 · 51-55, M
Actually prefer some hair otherwise it's like being with a pre pubescent girl 🙄

I'm not sure who is placing these expectations on you but execution is definitely self inflicted!

indyjoe · 56-60, M Best Comment
If it wasn't meant to be there it wouldn't's natural. That said, It is purely a personal preference and choice. In some cultures women don't remove body hair and they don't have a problem with it. In the winter when she wears long pants most of the time, my wife doesn't shave her leg very often. They do not look or feel bad either. She doesn't shave her under arms as often either, and I see nothing "unsightly" about the shadow that appears (in fact it's hardly even noticeable). As for her pubic region...she likes it either just trimmed short or bare...whatever she's in the mood for. I like it either way myself. In alot of ethnic groups the women have a slightly dark hair on their upper lip and it is actually considered attractive and exotic. Some American and European women have it too and they consider it ugly, disgusting, even "freakish". Society and culture set and dictate the standards of beauty that we often adhere to, so again it's still a personal choice which should be respected no matter what direction it goes.
Fernie · F
@indyjoe if this was my post yours would be the BA!
indyjoe · 56-60, M
@Fernie Thank you that's kind of you😊
Fernie · F
@indyjoe and you have a very free mind
They aren't. It's just the fashion industry telling you to do it.
🤷 personal preference really
@Fernie good, i think you should do what feels comfortable for you, a lot of women even have hirsutism, i have some friends who have it, and they leave it, and are proud of it, they got sick of plucking shaving and waxing to fit in, and i'm proud of them for it. i understand why they stopped. and i damn sure would never look down on them for it. good for you!
Fernie · F
@DancingStarGoddess Good for you too!!
@Fernie thank you!
kingofhearts · 26-30, M
but its look hygienic n clean
kingofhearts · 26-30, M
@SW-User still ugly
I guessyou hate Indian women because it's known that they have more hair than Caucasian women lol ! @kingofhearts
kingofhearts · 26-30, M
@SW-User i dont hate anyone , it doesnt turns me on
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
In the olden days people admired the hairless emperors and thus took it upon themselves to do the same through the ages
It's not expected. Some men just like it. No one is forcing anyone to shave
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
many men prefer a shaved woman. No one is forcing anyone to do it but since most people do what will make them most popular then most women shave. if men preferred women with their foreheads painted blue, cosmetic shops would sell a lot of blue paint.
TheJudgerNautSquared · 41-45, M
I dunno. Something about a chick asking me if I want a mustache ride just doesn't sound appealing to me.
SmartKat · 61-69, F
I heard a rumor that bushes are coming back into style.

I wouldn’t mind the no-hair-on-women rule so much, if 3/4 of the men on the planet didn’t have a nasty beard on their faces. Thank god for the military - at least they make men shave!
I just get waxed it's easier and I prefer being smooth
You could jump rope with my braided arm pit hair
Fernie · F
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Guess what. You aren't. It's all you. :D
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User You women just like to complain over nonexisting issues... sigh.
@MartinTheFirst read some of the ignorant replies like the Sasquatch one ? There are many aholes in this world
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@SW-User Assholes? In this world?! wow... I'm sorry you women have to deal with assholes! that's horrible! 😌
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
Well I’d hope adult women wouldn’t be doing it solely because they think it is expected if they do it at all. ( removing hair ) Many women enjoy the feeling if their smooth skin free of hair. Others know their partner likes it a certain way and it makes them happy to do a labor of love if you will by removing it. Some keep the hair because they don’t feel like getting rid of it or they like it. Etc whatever the lady does with her body shouldn’t be because of others expectations. I agree.
Because guys don't want a hairy sasquatch of a woman
Women are women not Sasquatches @SW-User
Fernie · F
@SW-User Oh, but it's ok that so many of you wake up with crop circles on your backs
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
It's bullshit. Social double standards and all that.

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