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gemimaia · 26-30, F
I don’t think it matters as long as it’s a legal relationship and both people feel like they are mature enough to handle the gap.

I actually like older guys and the gap never bothers me. In fact I find myself getting along better with older people.

SW-User Best Comment
I think it depends on how old the younger person is. An 18yo and a 30yo won't be equally mature or in the same sort of mindset or have the same kinds of experiences. Not that that's a bad thing, it just tends to be a flaw in a lot of relationships where there are large age gaps. But it wouldn't really make as much of a difference if they were, say, 38 and 50. I'm not going to say anything if both parties are consenting adults though.
Maturity level is important! @SW-User
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I don't think physical agree comes into it ... It's maturity and if you're both at the same level then why not?
ElideInto · 26-30, F
I don't think the gap itself matters as much as the age of the younger person.

Like, if you are 40 you probably shouldn't date a 17 year old
Khenpal1 · M
@ElideInto more like maturity of younger person and the older persons ability to handle immature person. Not like there will be a relationship or dating for the most , more taboo sexual relationship and for some girls it is OK, for some not. Probably applies to both sexes.
I am age 53 and I tend to attract men in their 30's. That is to much of an age gap for me. It might not be for others but it is for me.
@SW-User That's fair enough. :) I think it is all about preferences and what we are comfortable with. :)
summersong · F
For me, it depends on the person. For others, I really don’t care. As long as it’s legal and consensual it’s none of anyone’s business.
helenS · 36-40, F
I cannot see why there should be an upper limit regarding an age gap between two people who love each other. Who is there to judge?
Khenpal1 · M
@helenS no one , except limit of practicality being abel. .
It's up to the couple, I dated someone 25 years younger and we got along just fine, it's others who have problems with it.
thetucker · 61-69, M
I agree, it's up to the people dating. It's not really anyone else's business. They can think what they want, but how many of those disapproving of the relationship are actually thinking "lucky you". :)
Puremichfun · 56-60, M
It your having fun why would it matter
I agree. If both parties are over the age of 18, I think it shouldn't matter. But it does for many people.@Puremichfun
Depends on the people and their interests.
Anything is fine as long as it has true love
The dynamics of a relationship are very complex. Age many times does not address the readiness or maturity of the two involved. If family is opposing the relationship then listening to their objections initially won't hurt.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I think the older you get the easier any gap is to bridge.
That said, you need to avoid folk in their 20's.
In your 20's you've no idea what you want out of life and it's right that it should be changeable as and when the 20+ers want it to be.
Evened · 51-55, M
This mostly depends on the maturity of both partners, the age gap itself doesn't matter that much, even a relationship with only a one year gap can end sooner than one with more than 25 years, it's very unpredictable unless you try and find out
As long as your adults it doesn't matter. You can look at the older one as a predator and the younger one as a gold digger, it may be true, it might be actual love. It's nobodies business.
Depends on how young the youngest is. A 15 year old with a 35 year old looks creepy but a 25 year old in the same situation could be fine. Just depends if there are things in common.
Maturity level is a huge factor in a relationship.@CANDAULISTHUSBAND
@ViciDraco This is where the line becomes a little blurry. It honestly depends on what works for the individuals.
ViciDraco · 36-40, M
@lauriethecolourful I totally agree. I'd rather have the family's consent were I to date an eighteen our nineteen year old, myself and wouldn't date younger than that. But that's just me. I'd hate to disrupt a family.
Rambler · M
Whatever works for the two people involved. Although I think in terms of a long term commitment, more than about ten years would be a challenge over time.
ZenKitzune · F
I think it depends on the people in the relationship. It's not really for someone else to say.
I don't know. Gets complicated if the younger one is same or younger than the others kids I suspect
younger maybe 10 years. older maybe 15
@SW-User why is 10/15 years too much? It really is not up to anyone to decide,as long as they are at consent age
@IAMMONARAHIMI IDK it's just my opinion lol
alan20 · M
Too much in whose estimation? If they're both really involved why would it matter.
ImTheOne · M
So long as the maturity between them is at a level that they both can relate in
Pineapple · 100+, F
as long as both are consenting adults i couldn’t care less
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I think once your 10 years apart... it starts to get difficult, and 15-20 you are really at different stages of life. Have you heard "age is just a number"? that's not true.
MrsPeterEvans · 31-35, F
I think an older man is comforting somehow. My husband is nearly 10 years older than me and very authorative.
polyandrym66 · 70-79, M
No limit either way..
I prefer older woman than me by any limit.. so long as she is still sexually active..

Why do you ask..

My second wife was 5 yrs my senior.
My Line-In GF is 4 yrs my senior.
But I've dated woman 15 yrs my senior and they were so hot... (OK, that was when I was 50yo)..
For me, younger woman (than me) are usually not very mature or experienced... So, I've kept the gap in that direction small (5 yrs).
bearinthebigbluehouse · 26-30, M
Uuuuuuuuuuuh... Well.. As a 22 year old..... I'd go for around 35 for a cap. ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡ °)/
@bearinthebigbluehouse Sounds good. :)
Why are you asking?
@IAMMONARAHIMI My cousin recently got into a relationship with a 19-year-old, she's 22, and everyone in my family is kicking up a huge stink about it. I don't think it's a big deal, and I just wanted to know what everyone else thought about this topic. :)
@lauriethecolourful well that's something you should be telling your family
Oh, I have. I didn't go down well. Hahaha @IAMMONARAHIMI
5-10 years maybe
@SW-User damn.cant edit my reply. Hahahahahha
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
I don't think it matters. And it doesn't matter if the man or woman is older either. I'd date someone I am attracted to, regardless of age. I find it unlikely that I'd be attracted to someone who's 60 though.
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