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Do we really need religion in our life ???

SW-User Best Comment
People ruin religions, religion does not ruin people.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@SW-User I wasn't suggested that you in particular did... But there are some out there (and on this site) who seem to think that IS the case, lol.
Yes. I concur lol @Quizzical
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@SW-User I knew there was a reason I liked you, lol

Miram · 31-35, F
We? I don't know everyone. I hardly know myself.

I don't like jumping all religions together because that's exactly what most do to answer this sort of questions.

I'm not religious. I am more of en empiricist that don't hold on to certainties.

There were days when I have prayed though when I was younger.. did I need it? Maybe since no one was by my side. Who is to say it didn't keep me going despite the lack of answers?

Rigidity (like in this post and the answers) and belief in a single path is actually something many religions denounce as a human weakness to be avoided especially in Hinduism.

I see that people are still to learn what makes a religion a religion, never mind whether or not it's necessary.
@Miram Excellent! What is the standard that separates a cult from a religion? I like the 33 million gods of the Upanishads! It's an object lesson.
Miram · 31-35, F
@puck61 In academics rarely is the word cult used because it has a negative connotation which is highly subjective. I can understand things like Branch Davidians being called cultists but often the usage is expanded to any spiritual movements or religious syncretism involving a group of followers.
@Miram I'm sure Christ and his disciples were referred to as a cult by the Jewish and Roman status quo of the day. If they had such a word. I imagine they did. I vaguely remember a Roman writer describing the early Christians as "so many frogs in a symposium".
I can't speak for "we".

Just "me".

From my seats, that is much of the problem in this time and place. Individual callings being projected as collective ones.


It's not even clear to me what "religion" is.

Some part of that is cultural, social, historical. There is no escaping that. That is with one for life.

Some part of that is dealing with the unknown. Where we come from. Death, birth. Where we go. What it means. Maybe there is no escaping that either. Some do.

Yet another part of that is some method, a daily practice. Dealing with the freak show in one's head. That hardly seems optional.

I'm not even sure all "religion" is of the same cloth.
@CopperCicada I like what James says about religion.

If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
@puck61 Those I would consider "spiritual" or "philosophical" mentors would agree. "Religion" (whatever that is) is best a private thing.

Living that way in this time and place is difficult. One's "religion" is expected, almost demanded, to be a personal branding, a flag flown high.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Humans are religious. If you are human you have a religion. If you do not have a religion you have the IQ of a potted plant. Religion is like an opinion, everybody has one. Don't be fooled into thinking that you can avoid 'religion' by not following a major Religion. It doesn't work that way. Your religion could well be that 'there is no need for religion'.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@puck61 Evangelical atheists engage in what is called tautology. IOW what ever evidence there is of God is dismissed because in their religion 'there is no God'. If ever an atheist questioned their religion they would cease to be an atheist because the evidence for God is so overwhelming. The fact is they keep holding on to theories from a relatively uninformed 'scientific age' because more modern science shows just how foolish their belief system truly is.
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
in their religion 'there is no God'

1. there's no proof that gods exist (or we'd all be theists)
2. there's no proof that magical entities don't exist (they might be lurking around a mountain-top somewhere)
3. there's no compelling necessity to postulate the existence of magical entities (and the postulation explains nothing... it seeks to merely explain everything away)
4. therefore I have no gods

Can you please specify where I make the claim that 'there is no god'?

what ever evidence there is of God is dismissed

'evidence' that never ever materialises
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@newjaninev2 There is no proof that YOU will EVER accept. There is tons of proof you simply close you eyes. plug your ears and yell LALALALALALALALALA can't hear you. As I said shallow as a parking lot puddle.

Let us do a bit of thinking. Yesterday I was driving down the road and came to a stop sign beside the railway tracks. I had two options. I could ignore the sign and run the stop sign in the belief that there is no train coming. Or I could stop and check to see if the way is clear. Which is the prudent course of action? To my mind stopping. Since it is a completely blind crossing there might be a train that I don't know about. Of course I could be like you and go roaring straight through so convinced that there is no 'proof' therefore the train doesn't exist.

Now where did I read that 'A fool says in his/her heart that there is no God'?
Fernie · F
I've lived a long life without it and I'm doing just fine. It's toxic to humanity
NakedExperiment · 51-55, M
I don't have religion in my life - never had. My parents were not religious at all and my grandparents on my mum's side weren't either. My grandparents on my dad's side were a little more into religion but were not church-going.

I've never needed religion or understood why people are able to believe that stuff.
Idk. Religion is already there even before i was born
@Fernie yeah... I'm now walking away 🚶😆
Fernie · F
@SW-User you made me laugh twice.
@Fernie aawwww 😜🙈
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
I don't think so. Not anymore. We have evolved past it and need to let it go. Modern Humans can learn morals and ethics without it.
Fernie · F
@Wraithorn yeah, I think we know right from wrong without an invisible sky fairy to tell us
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
@Fernie Hello Fern. ☺
Fernie · F
@Wraithorn Hello Wraithorn.☺
alan20 · M
@hippyjoe1955 Religion is defined as "the belief in or worship of a superhuman controlling power". So no, I don't need religion. To me its logically a nonsense and has done far more harm than good.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@alan20 keep reading the dictioary religion is not always a belief in God.
valhalla · M
We already have a conscience.
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Go to get it...again and again
Fernie · F
@WorldsForgottenBoy OH!'re absolutely right...SOOO many gods...which confirms it for's nonsense
@Fernie I guess I'm boycotted...hahahah...constipated fucking religious idiots
Fernie · F
@WorldsForgottenBoy GODBOTS! The BORG!
If you have to ask...😂😂😂
Jasondf · M
@Quoththeraven what is that supposed to mean?
@Jasondf it means that if you have to ask then you obviously don't get it and you probably never will.
No, but it helps many..........

walrus · 56-60, M
its not for me !

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