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RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
I don't trust the government, but I recognize the necessity of it.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@L33TH4X0R There certainly are. Recall elections come to mind, as well as votes of no confidence, and failing that, the formation of a new government. I'm pretty sure there's more of a sliding scale than a binary "gov or an" choice system.
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@RemovedUsername8862 while this is true in principle, the supreme court is not elected by the people and a vote of no confidence is only against the government and the supreme court is unaffected by this vote. You cannot hire or fire any of the supreme court judges.
RemovedUsername8862 · 31-35, M
@L33TH4X0R True, but legislators can vote on the removal of justices, which might be the path forward, as was constitutionally intended.
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
I'm part of it.
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@unknownpoetx I concede you are a working for the government because you clearly believe the same rhetoric that they all spew and believe. A democratic vote, the voice of the people; and it is to be taken under advisement by the government? This is not a democracy, this is a dictatorship. And FYI the queen voted for Brexit too, so go figure. But I guess the government thinks it is above the Queen on this matter and above the people. Add to the fact that a large majority of Labour voters voted Brexit too. What Labour is trying to do is to win all the Remain voters in the hopes of getting into power. As I said before you are clearly working for government as you seem utterly clueless of matters such as this.
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
you are just upset because things don't happen the way you want
I happily voted brexit and we got it. I got what I wanted, my country back and the EU has lost its biggest cash cow. Personally I hope the other nations wake up and walk out too! Sinking the EU into Hades from where it seeped!
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@L33TH4X0R so it isn't about democracy. it's about you getting what you want. lol.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
You can't really trust anyone who has such power. I don't trust my government because they always claim that things are getting better, they promised to fulfill our needs but they steal and they always end up doing things that aren't for our advantage.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@unknownpoetx He was the first one to give up lol, I'm still laughing at their motto: Left for the first time. My government is leftish 😂
unknownpoetx · 36-40, M
@HannibalAteMeOut he left because they did not allowed to do what he wanted which was good. EU wouldn't accept any deal with him. bastards.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@unknownpoetx actually I can't entirely blame the EU for our problems, I think it's 90% our fault. I'm just disgusted by politicians.
lovingdead · 31-35, M
we cant fix something by putting one new piece in. we can either so VERY slow replacing pieces all the while things get worse and the chance of irreversible destruction/damage being done increases. OR we purge the system of the rot and corruption starting over (in a sense) then maybe....MAYBE people could trust the government. if it was made moreso in the image of what the government was supposed to be originally. what the declaration of independence (that paper everyone claims to love yet our government distorts and disgraces it).
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L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@SierraTangoEchoVictorEcho I know of the puppet masters and they are no more in control of the people than the government seems to be. It is all an illusion.
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VoloProVeritas62 · 61-69, M
But, do I have a choice? I trust in God way more than I trust in them.
VoloProVeritas62 · 61-69, M
How long do you want it to continue?
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@VoloProVeritas62 If I had my way it would have been over with already.
VoloProVeritas62 · 61-69, M
Same here.
xRedx · M
No. You tell me if it makes when politicians are spending over a million dollars on their campaigns for a position that pays around 100k. Corruption at its finest. But of course, some things are best hidden in plain sight.

i don’t think it’s that black or white
The government is made of people and people are *******


MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
In the eyes of the government,no lives matter.
Wiseacre · F
I trust they're libtards!
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
Not as far as I can kick them.
Every last one is a UN kiss ass spending Australian tax dollars like a drunken sailor on shore leave, trying to buy themselves a seat there, once their uselessness has run out here .
Every last one is a UN kiss ass spending Australian tax dollars like a drunken sailor on shore leave, trying to buy themselves a seat there, once their uselessness has run out here .