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are you pro or anti animal hunting

James come to the country.. if it wasn't for hunting the deer population would be more than the human population.
Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
[/center]I know this will piss some off but I know a lot of guys that sport hunt BUT they also donate what they kill. I don't know about anywhere else but fuck wild hogs in Texas
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Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
Ok James, you're right. I don't know what goes on in my back yard. I've been brainwashed by the evil american government.

Oh and I'm not American. I'm Texan
hami1091 · 41-45, F
I am pro-hunting, pro meat eating, but I am anti- people who hunt and kill and don't eat the meat, who are just in it for the sport.
TheProphet · M
Go where there are grizzlies or tigers and see where you fit in on the food chain. We aren't at the top there.
goagainsttheflow oh goodness no.. but my husband and my youngest daughter do.. and many others I know.
TheProphet · M
I have several hides from Africa and Alaska. An Indian friend is setting up a tiger hunt for me.
god bless the hunters, i dont think i could slaughter them yummy yummy cows myself
Dawnxx · 31-35, F
Pro, but I hate when people hunt just for sport
TheProphet · M
Pro. I love hunting in Africa and Alaska.
TheProphet · M
We are superior and we enjoy hunting and killing.
Pro.. my whole family are hunters.
Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
James animal control dude
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Overpopulation means there is not enough resources for the number of animals in a particualar niche or environment. If that happens then large amounts of animals suffer and die from lack of food and a home. Claiming overpopulation does no damage is just ridiculous.
KatjaAnders · 31-35, F
Against it. Any animals overpopulating are nothing compared to the damage humans do when they overpopulate.
goagainsttheflow · 26-30, F
@Pink That's very interesting to learn! Have you ever hunted before? Was it fun?
goagainsttheflow · 26-30, F
For food and getting rid of predators, I support it. Hunting for no reason...why??
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Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
Pro, if I'm gonna eat I'm gonna kill it.
nakedguyVII · 61-69, M
ohhh crap you guys are ignorant! so brain washed ... typical americans. Get educated and learn how you are led to believe what you think is right and fair. ....

Naw I'll shut up , I know you guys hold yourself so superior to everyone else in the world . Why waste anymore time.
SeadragonPrincess · 26-30, F
Certain species yes, I may be a dragon but I hold myself to a moral standard. I will leave other predators (ursine, feline, canine ect) alone but if they are prey than I kill them for food. The only species dragons do pest control on are humans, such a violent and overpopulated species.
nakedguyVII · 61-69, M
I know we keep expanding our ranges and moving into their part of the woods and we gotta kill the bears , coyotes wolves, and cougars. We pathetically feel threatened by them . So Why the Fuck Do We Clear The Land and Move Into The Supposed Fricken Wildlife Areas.
Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
@maltese I know some the mount is primary every thing else is secondary

@jaggedlittlepill The state is funded for about 75k hogs a year, hunters will take about 85k per year. Each wild hog is estimated to do $200 in damage to crops a year. Multiply that by 2.5million
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
I am wolf what does that tells you
nakedguyVII · 61-69, M
how is it , an animal hunts down a human, the animal is a savage beast. But a human hunts down an animal, the human is a great hunter! They are doing the same thing!
Shows off what hypocrites people are.
Scubaguy027 · 46-50, M
@maltese there is a place in Tyler,Texas that has a large cat rescue, lions tigers, etc. that they will take them to. There are also so meat processors that will get the meat to homeless or battered women's shelters
Anti for sure
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James yeah, but were not a source of food for an animal. They kill people because they feel threatened.. not for food supply.
a dentist did recently.. and the tree hugging hipsters all went batchit.. hunter 1 - cesil the lion 0
yo james. thats why we are on top of the food chain...
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Humans have hunted since the beginning of time. Natural process.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
The wild hogs in texas pose a lot of problems i hear. They tear some shit up from what i understand

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