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Allelse · 36-40, M
I didn't think they liked the word dwarf, I thought they mainly preferred little people.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Were they ever called mongoloids?
WaterMel · 26-30, M
It's more because of the history of the word. Midget was used as a derogatory term for circus acts back in the day.
I myself think its more about peoples intentions when they say words then the words they say. I hear people say little people in a way that sounds really rude some times, and other times hear people say midget or dwarf in a way that seems like they are just casually referring to a short person.
I myself think its more about peoples intentions when they say words then the words they say. I hear people say little people in a way that sounds really rude some times, and other times hear people say midget or dwarf in a way that seems like they are just casually referring to a short person.
I think both sounds bad