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i never believed in caffiene withdrawl until today

been feeling hungover all day. feeling like trash. gpt posited that i may be having caffeine withdrawls (been going ceazy with energy deinks during weekdays) would you know it. as i was making a cup of coffee, the headaches already started to slowly fade ..drinking coffee now and i feel completely restored. ...such a strange experience

(yes my life is so boring that i am posting about coffee on a weekend day...)
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4meAndyou · F
When I was managing a retail store I used to drink an entire POT of coffee every day. Eventually I ended up having an anxiety attack and didn't know what was happening to me, and the ER people didn't have a clue, either.

In order to start feeling normal again I had to go WAY far in the opposite direction. No caffeine at all, no sugar, no chocolate, no Mountain Dew...blah blah blah.

My body needed BALANCE...which leads me to my point..."Balance in all things."
thrash · 31-35, M
@4meAndyou i honestly never thought caffeine did anything for me ..hence why i drink energy drinks like theyre coke cans

it doesnt affect me in the way others describe.. ..ive alwaus wondered why people rave about caffiene. i think this maybe because i have adhd ..i view its effects as more of a subtle, placebo type effect

but after today i am certain that it does, in fact, affect me..
nedkelly · 61-69, M
I can have between 1-8 cups per day of coffee - does not worry me at all
Kuronekko · 41-45, F
I gave up caffeine about 2 years ago now. Funny thing is, that when you don't drink it, you don't need it. It makes you feel crappy and then sells you the solution.
YoMomma ·
Im on my second serving this morning 😊
Same thing with weed addiction
justanothername · 51-55, M
Yes it’s very real.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
you should change your name from trash :)
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@thrash Haha. Well I guess racoons love trash so it's not all bad.
thrash · 31-35, M
@Matt85 racoon-magnet? 😆
Matt85 · 36-40, M
@thrash The Racoon Daddy
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