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Lady Gaga has a luxury mansion in Maui; its completely fine. Bill Gates has a luxury mansion in Maui; its completely fine. Morgan Freeman has a luxury

mansion in Maui; its completely fine. Will Smith has a luxury mansion in Maui; its completely fine. Julia Roberts has a luxury mansion in Maui; its completely fine. Also, the big box stores are fine, small businesses destroyed.

Fairydust · F
So they can rebuild it into a smart city.
Fairydust · F
Yep goes back years, I didn’t watch it 👑 he’s all part of the world economic forum, best mates with Jimmy!!!
HeWhoWalks39 · 36-40, M
@Fairydust LMAO that world econimic forum Kal Swab or whatever his name is 🤣🤣 it wasnt call for an uprising it was another persons video that showed the person dressed up like the Grim Reaper at the Coronation they where saying it was that Ka Swab guy or whatever his name is trying to sneak in 🤣🤣 i would not have doubted a bit it was him dressed up.. But we watched it only cause my mom has always had this weird obsession with Princess Diana and the Queen for whatever reason.. Shes still under the mind control and wont wake up even tho ive tried to pound into her head me preaching about it... But whatever 🙄🙄
Fairydust · F

Yeah I seen that, there’s a lot we don’t see.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Because they're probably built from different materials and secured against scenarios like this.

I wonder who is going to help the locals though. The developer hyenas are already chasing them asking to sell the land. Absolutely disgusting. It wouldn't surprise me if in two years we'd see fugly huge resorts with complex hotels for thousands of tourists there.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@CrazyMusicLover or Chinese investors buying up the land
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@cherokeepatti Whoever will do that is just a huge swine and the government should never allow it. The country should be able to take care of their citizens, protect the local culture and find ways to help them keep their land. But from what people say, it seems like they have been already pushed away for a long time and the huge neglect contributed to the whole situation. If there is going to be any financial help it will only be a loan with conditions that will be most likely unfavorable to the locals.
BalthazarBlake · 56-60, M
I wonder how much, if anything, they have contributed to the helping of those who lost everything?
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@BalthazarBlake i think they can send bottled water, joe had to pay Ukraine.
Musicman · 61-69, M
Sounds like a controlled burn to get rid of the peasants. 😡😡😡

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