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Offering free relationship readings for practice!

Poll - Total Votes: 6
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Hi! This isn't clickbait. I'm a tarot reader looking to get some practice. I connect best by accessing first names and the connection you have with your person of interest. I do put thought to my readings and can't guarantee accuracy, so please be kind of my mistakes. If interested, please message me. I won't answer if your person of interest is going to come back as I believe people have free will. I'm only going to look into the current energies. Please be respectful. Anything you're unsure about, please ask.
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Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Tarot is so fun! I sometimes use my mother-in-law's tarot cards to read family members. But I do it rarely now.

I don't know if you can relate, but to me it's absolutely draining because I sense and feel so much that I just feel completely depleted after. Empath struggles. Even if I don't use cards I still sense way too much about my environment, any person that walks by. And even online users.

Have you ever done reading without cards? Just, telling people things about them that you sense or see, that they haven't told you?
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@MidnightBlues Thanks for explanation!
@Queendragonfly Let me know if you feel anything different; you may or may not see results right away. But hopefully, you should feel less drained. If you do, take deep breaths and visualize the light (I don't expect you to start meditating in public, so a quick deep breath will do).
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@MidnightBlues My boyfriend have shielded me from nightmares before but I have never made a shield for myself so this will be interesting!
If you use ancient classic decks... are you familiar with the sacred meanings of the graphic elements depicted on them?
If it's not magic, it's not tarot
Respectfully disagree.

it is ok
akindheart · 61-69, F
if you have time, you can do me...
akindheart · 61-69, F
@MidnightBlues oh wicked priest just messaged me???
@akindheart What?
akindheart · 61-69, F
@MidnightBlues email coming your way...
bugeye · 26-30, F
sure sounds fun.
@bugeye You can PM me your info.
@Lostpoet You can PM me your info. I'm going to need more details if you're interested.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm not sure how anybody is able to read somebody's tarot online? I was always taught that you have to let the client shuffle and cut the cards at least once, because it's important for them to arrange the cards to tell the story. Am I missing something?
@LordShadowfire It's possible to read through online because energy is everywhere, and we're all connected. 😊Some people just have a preference for doing it in person because the experience feels more "real." I'm sorry, but whoever is teaching you is incorrect. You don't need to let clients touch the deck as I do not allow anyone to do so. I find others touching my decks imposes their energy onto my decks which I wouldn't it want it to mess up my readings. I'd rather my decks only take in my energy as I'm the one who is reading for people for the purpose of strengthening my intuition (which is mainly what tarot is used for other than as a reflection). I've dived into tarot for about 5 years.

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