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I Read Tarot Cards

So I read the tarot cards today on a few different things and one area was ny current bf.

The cards said 1. He's a cheat, always has been and always will be. 2. He hides financial stuff from me. 3. He has had addiction problems.

I know many don't hold stock in the cards but they have so far through my life been incredibly accurate. I'm really struggling not to say anything to him about any of it. He's proven by life actions already that he's a liar and will remain consistently deceptive regardless of evidence and obviously few people would hold tarot cards as evidence anyway so it'd be pointless to say anything.

It's not about saying anything, it's about what actions I take with this. For me it's not a question of the cards validity because they've been correct throughout my life since I started reading them at age 11.

I want him to come clean. I doubt he will. So I don't really know where to go from here.
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yung4oldr · 22-25, M
If you can't trust him, why are you with him?
yung4oldr · 22-25, M
It sounds like you are basically using him. If he is happy and you are 95.45% happy then bless you both.
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@yung4oldr you asked why I'm with him. I could say "love" but love never cuts it as a reason these days. So I gave you tangible "reasons" and I explained how I view trust because trust to me isn't black and white, cut and dried - it's a big grey area. Like I'd trust him to food shop alone for me about 52%

So no I'm not "using" him. Not any more or less than anyone uses anyone or him "using" me.

Also I find this fascination people have with "using".... Ummm... Fascinating.

It used to be that people helped eachother out and the helper was seen as kind. Now it seems the helper is seen as "used" and the person taking help labelled a "user". I started to buy into this mentality for a while but I'd rather be seen as "kind" than "used" so I stopped.

Anyway that's my thoughts. I'm not expecting you to either take on or understand them but I share them regardless.
yung4oldr · 22-25, M
Thank you for your explanation. I understand relationships aren't a perfect 50/50 split in terms of give or take.
Santi96 · 26-30
I am at a similar crossroads will you do a tarot reading for me?
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@Santi96 when I read for someone I like them to cut the cards or they will not have your energy in them. I can't read for you with out your energy being involved in the reading so I can only read for people in person I feel.
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@Santi96 if you have your own cards and want to in message send me a photo of cards you drew yourself I will interpret them for you.
Ecarlate · F
can you do one for me? 🤔
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@Ecarlate if you have your own cards and want to message pic of cards you drew I will interpret them for you.
Ecarlate · F
@KaiserSolze where do I get these cards? 🤔
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@Ecarlate I don't know. Depending on where you are in the world.
Peaceful · F
I think you have your answer. Besides, it has to be exhausting to be with a liar. You deserve better.
revenant · F
I used to read cards as well but they proved to be so right all the time they freaked me out. So I stopped.
Heck be careful with liars. They always hide stuff and you are always feeling unbalanced. My experience.
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@revenant that is the problem, lies unbalance me. I get a sense of somethings not right and it messes me up if its constant.
revenant · F
@KaiserSolze trust your gut. That feeling is very uncomfortable indeed but ignoring it just makes you feel worse.
4meAndyou · F
If you know he is a liar, he will be a source of heartache for as long as you know him and care about him.

I think you should break up with him and try to find an honest guy.

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