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Here's a riddle..true story as well.

My friend had a baby boy in July last year. The child was her biological son. Then, five months later, in December, she gave birth to a second baby boy. They are not twins.

How is this possible?
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OogieBoogie · F Best Comment
Surrogate...or they are part of a triplet.
@OogieBoogie Correct! She and her husband had been trying for a baby for a couple of years. They went the surrogate option for baby no. 1! Then, as is often the way when the stress is off, she became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy in December last year!

UsernameAlreadyInUse · 26-30, M
After gave birth the first child the mom have mission go to mission travel outer space get suck into black hole (Gagantua ),due to the effects of time dilation, a concept from Einstein's theory of relativity. Time slows down significantly for them compared to people on Earth due to the intense gravitational field.

Specifically, during their mission, the mother spends time on a planet where one hour is equivalent to several years on Earth. This extreme time dilation causes her to age much more slowly than her first boy who remains on Earth and experiences time at a normal rate. As a result, by the time mom returns,few decades have passed on Earth, and first boy is now an eldery old man,while mom has only aged by a 10 month.
Vin53 · M
You're friends with a rabbit?
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Vin53 I was going to say cat.
Umile · 41-45, F
She gave birth to ... ?



Or, too small to be premature, no ?

Even then, it would have to be through cesarean, no ?

@Umile See my reply to the Best Comment :)
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
"had a baby boy" could mean a visit, not a birth. I think that answers your riddle.
had a baby and gave birth to a baby the same thing?..
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
The first boy was under 12 months old in July.

Irish twins 😜
@Starcrossed Hehe, but no
Two different fathers. She's sleeping around.
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
@Secretsmile Nope, both biological

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