A list of things
There's no point to this; just making a list or two. And also lamenting turning 30 soon and surviving an entire decade longer than originally planned.
- Abaddon Black
- Gryph-hound Orange
- Apothecary White
- Celestra Grey
- Ironbreaker
- Leadbelcher?
- Caledor Sky
- Mark IV Tactical Marines x4
- Mark III Tactical Marines x2
- Cataphractii Terminators x4
- Sigismund (FW)
- Mark III Despoiler Marines (FW) x2
- Templar Brethren Upgrades (FW) x2
- Mark IV Despoiler Marines (FW) x2
- Phalanx Warders Upgrades (FW) x2
- Imperial Fists Mark III Shoulder Pads (FW) x2
- Terminators
- Dreadnought
- Devastator Marines
- Tactical Marines
- Lord of Change
- Burning Chariot
- Herald on Burning Chariot
- Exalted Flamer x2
- Pink Horrors x2
- Blue/Brimstone Horrors x5
- Flamers
- Screamers
- Kairic Acolytes
- Tzaangors
- Tzaangor Skyfires x2
- Vanari Bladelords
- Hurakan Spirit of the Wind
- Alarith Spirit of the Mountain
- Death Korps of Krieg Infantry x4
- Leman Russ Battle Tank
- Abaddon Black
- Gryph-hound Orange
- Apothecary White
- Celestra Grey
- Ironbreaker
- Leadbelcher?
- Caledor Sky
- Mark IV Tactical Marines x4
- Mark III Tactical Marines x2
- Cataphractii Terminators x4
- Sigismund (FW)
- Mark III Despoiler Marines (FW) x2
- Templar Brethren Upgrades (FW) x2
- Mark IV Despoiler Marines (FW) x2
- Phalanx Warders Upgrades (FW) x2
- Imperial Fists Mark III Shoulder Pads (FW) x2
- Terminators
- Dreadnought
- Devastator Marines
- Tactical Marines
- Lord of Change
- Burning Chariot
- Herald on Burning Chariot
- Exalted Flamer x2
- Pink Horrors x2
- Blue/Brimstone Horrors x5
- Flamers
- Screamers
- Kairic Acolytes
- Tzaangors
- Tzaangor Skyfires x2
- Vanari Bladelords
- Hurakan Spirit of the Wind
- Alarith Spirit of the Mountain
- Death Korps of Krieg Infantry x4
- Leman Russ Battle Tank