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A list of things

There's no point to this; just making a list or two. And also lamenting turning 30 soon and surviving an entire decade longer than originally planned.

- Abaddon Black
- Gryph-hound Orange
- Apothecary White
- Celestra Grey
- Ironbreaker
- Leadbelcher?
- Caledor Sky
- Mark IV Tactical Marines x4
- Mark III Tactical Marines x2
- Cataphractii Terminators x4
- Sigismund (FW)
- Mark III Despoiler Marines (FW) x2
- Templar Brethren Upgrades (FW) x2
- Mark IV Despoiler Marines (FW) x2
- Phalanx Warders Upgrades (FW) x2
- Imperial Fists Mark III Shoulder Pads (FW) x2
- Terminators
- Dreadnought
- Devastator Marines
- Tactical Marines
- Lord of Change
- Burning Chariot
- Herald on Burning Chariot
- Exalted Flamer x2
- Pink Horrors x2
- Blue/Brimstone Horrors x5
- Flamers
- Screamers
- Kairic Acolytes
- Tzaangors
- Tzaangor Skyfires x2
- Vanari Bladelords
- Hurakan Spirit of the Wind
- Alarith Spirit of the Mountain
- Death Korps of Krieg Infantry x4
- Leman Russ Battle Tank x3
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
That’s expensive
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@KiwiDan Team yankee and flames of war are both made by battlefront. The rules are fairly simple. It gets complicated in certain situations like any rule set. The unit cards made things a lot easier. All the info about your units on a card.
KiwiDan · 31-35, M
@MrBrownstone Oh right. I knew they were made by the same people, which is why they play so similarly. Unit cards would be quite helpful, although the size of each army means there's a fair chance of needing a lot of those cards and thus additional space.

Maybe I should look into them again, if only to refresh myself on other rulesets beyond Warhammer related ones. It's certainly easier than trying to convince anyone to play anything I've written.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@KiwiDan Each army has all their cards in one package.

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