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I'd believe the one that says, "i am married and now abstinent" :P
almondflour · 46-50, F
Nobody is abstinent. Lol
UncleJlovesbrazil · 61-69, M
Great question. Why would someone start (formulate) a group and not join it. If I am not mistaken, it is members who start these groups.
gfantasy · 56-60, M
@UncleJlovesbrazil Apparently the groups were automatically migrated from EP, but I guess the abstainers who created them didn't join SW... (or maybe they gave up abstaining...?)
UncleJlovesbrazil · 61-69, M
Didn't think about that. That could be a probable explanation.
InvictusIndigo · 22-25, M
That's like asking why you, a dude, has an ass for a profile pic. Because :P
Imported from experience project