Joke:::a slice of life-On their wedding night, a die-hard golfer makes a confession to his new bride.
"Dearest, I love you more than I can say." He paused. "But I also love golf. And I want you to know that every possible weekend, every vacation, every dollar of disposable income, I will spend on golf, golf memberships, golf vacations, golf clubs.
I know you knew some of this, but I wanted to make clear, tonight, on our wedding night, what to expect."
His wife looked at him. She turned away. She said, "I, too, have a confession. Since we're sharing our secrets, I must tell you....
I'm a hooker."
Her new husband nodded, smiled, and said, "No problem.
"Just keep your head down, follow through on your swing, and keep your forward foot flat on the green..
I know you knew some of this, but I wanted to make clear, tonight, on our wedding night, what to expect."
His wife looked at him. She turned away. She said, "I, too, have a confession. Since we're sharing our secrets, I must tell you....
I'm a hooker."
Her new husband nodded, smiled, and said, "No problem.
"Just keep your head down, follow through on your swing, and keep your forward foot flat on the green..