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Will the real wise cracking, former redhead ,please stand up..

Poll - Total Votes: 13
馃槫Oh, good gracious not that crazy chick again
馃檮Who, you ?Sit down,please!!
馃がAbout time!! And go back to red!
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Primnproper56-60, F
I was trying to remember what colour I am now! 馃槀
Primnproper56-60, F
@Justmeraeagain I love this one of you.. this how I always see you.馃
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@Primnproper I really wish I still saw that when I looked in the mirror...sigh , oh,well
I just realized how egotistical that sounded but I meant I looked younger
Primnproper56-60, F
@Justmeraeagain hey it shows we鈥檙e women of the world my sweet, be proud! 馃槉
Rutterman46-50, M
Happy to see you're still standing. 馃槑
Justmeraeagain56-60, F
@Rutterman aww thanks 馃憤

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