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My kids don't want to go on vacation this summer.

The beach sucks. The water parks suck. Historical landmarks suck. Concerts suck. I even offered to take them to Mars 🥴

What do kids like these days lmao.
BobbyMoeven · 51-55, M
We are on a cottage holidays. And although we have limited screen time and wrangled them into swimming and help prepare meals ,

They are all happiest when they are left alone to do artwork,. My kids and their two friends , all have been gifted with drawing and painting skills. Surprisingly, neither of the parents do, just some weird coincidence.

But mostly happy when they are playing online games, or social networking with friends.

And when they are not allowed to do as they please, the moans and groans rain down .

Cottage life is definitely not what i grew up with. I spent pretty the much the whole day outside to get away from my folks, and was happy to play cards or board games when they were on the table. I haven’t even been able to round the adult’s up for some cards.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
They sit and sulk. I’m in the same boat.

I said to my kids (18&22) last week we are going to Acapulco first week of September. 18 yr old can’t wait one of the 22yr olds said “what are we going to do there? I said go to the beach. No im not coming if all were going to do is go to the beach. Other 22yr old said which restaurants are we going to eat at cuz if we’re eating at restaurants I don’t like I’m not going. I said don’t come then. They already know what we’re going to do there and the places we’re going to eat at since they’ve been going there since they were babies ffs
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@Jenny1234 Wild. I would have jumped at a free trip to Acapulco at those ages lol
BlueVeins · 22-25
Leave them with a babysitter and go to Hedonism II
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Hmmm ... something with an adventure that can't be duplicated on YouTube, or something educational that's a step above their age grade. Like a language or culture immersion program. Or a short learning program? Like learn to cook? Or sew? Or change a tire? Or learn to play a flute? Or ...

Something where they are more on their own and not tied to you.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Depends on their ages. If they are under their late teens, they really shouldn't have a choice.

Even when I was living with my brother, I didn't have a choice where they went as a teen.

"You go to Germany"! At 14 without a parent! And stay with your cousins, that you have never met.

Seriously! 🤷🏻‍♂️

That was a real learning experience. I barely could speak the language.
bookerdana · M
Whatever will upset the Parents of course Bwahaha

Drop em off with a relative and you go on vacation.... you'll hear much weeping and gnashing of teeth😱
bookerdana · M
@SwampFlower The Boss©️💪 will become the ringleader....best not let her get started too early😈 Mark my words and Yikers
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@bookerdana Oh. The Boss is definitely going. I meant the youngest of my nieces and nephews.

Queen Iris already rules our world
bookerdana · M
@SwampFlower Moms are the real super-heroe 😅

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Their phones and computer screens. Though I hope that’s not true in your case.
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@OlderSometimesWiser Thankfully not the case. They have good hobbies and, as they let me know, responsibilities. I'm mostly just lamenting them growing up and not wanting to hang out with me anymore 😅
@SwampFlower Aww….. that’s a tough one. Raising children is so bittersweet. You just want to freeze them in time. But you must be doing something right if they’re not addicted to their electronics and are serious about their responsibilities! And hopefully you’ll still be able to sneak some time in with them. 🙂
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@OlderSometimesWiser Thank you for your kind words 🤗

I've only had my nieces and nephews for a few years but we've been through a lot and I'm very proud of how far they've come. Not sure how much credit I can take for that though. They're pretty great.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
What would I do to be able to enjoy the beach the way I did when I was a kid... 😅
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Camping at a lake?
Samek · 36-40, M
Fortnite and Roblox and those Minecraft vids xD
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SwampFlower · 31-35, F
@PoetryNEmotion Well, two of them have jobs or internships and are saving for cars/college. Not wanting to take time off is excusable. It's the 11 year old that is being difficult lol.
@SwampFlower They will be out in the real world soon enough. The youngest? She can babyeit with your help. Fo eome volunteer work. Appreciate the life she has by helping others. It is not an easy age. Not a teen and not a chold. What are her interests? She can start thinking bigger now with your guidance. Good luck.
Heartlander · 80-89, M

It's the 11 year old that is being difficult

Can he/she be left with grandparents?

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