@Teachocolate You can come up with some really funny, interesting and terrible things while experimenting with graphics or other art programs. There is a free site online that I play on all the time, it lets you take a base photo and use another for it's designs or colors as the style and combine them. You can come up with some really great alterations for the original. :)
@Teachocolate Sure, it's not a program, it's a site you access online. It's called Deep Dream Generator. Sorry if I made it sound like a program.
Here's what I mean though.
This was the base pic I used...
The style...
and with some tweaking and experimenting this was what I got...
They can be made a bit larger and when you start, you're limited to how many you can make...not a tiny number, but after time and submissions, you get more and more.
@Teachocolate I think if you take your pic as the base and find a cartoon pic and combine you might get something. But I do know what you're talking about and a program like GIMP, also free to download and use might work. It's basically Adobe Photoshop with out the name and insane cost.