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Here is some Ant-ics for your enjoyment

1. 5 ants + 5 ants = Tenants
2. To bring an ant from another country into your country = Important
3. Ant that goes to school = Brilliant
4. Ant that is looking for a job = Applicant
5. A spy ant = Informant
6. A very little ant = Infant
7. An ant that uses a gun = Militant
8. An ant that is a specialist = Consultant
9. A proud ant = Arrogant
10. An ant that is cruel and oppressive = Tyrant
11. An ant that is friendly and lovely = Coolant
12. An ant that has changed from evil to good deeds = Repentant
13. An ant that accumulated so much food in summer for use in winter = Abundant
14. An ant that isn’t willing = Reluctant
15. An ant that keeps financial account = Accountant
16. An ant that occupies a flat = Occupant
17. A huge ant = Giant
18. An ant that is important = Significant
19. An ant that has big legs = Elephant
20. A sarcastic ant = Mordant
21. An extremely fast ant = Instant
22. A noisy ant = Rant
23. An ant that doesn't keep moving = Constant
24. A dirty ant = Pollutant
25. An ant that annoys = Irritant
26. An ant that lacks knowledge= Ignorant
27. An ant that can take anything without complaining= Tolerant
28. An ant that wastes resources= Extravagant
29. A very careful ant = Vigilant
30. An ant that maintains good odour = Deodorant
31. An ant that finds it hard to move = adamant
32. An ant that refused to move = Redundant
33. An ant that is into business = Merchant
34. A Political ant = Aspirant
35. An ant that sues someone to court= Complainant
36. A happy ant = Jubilant
37. An ant that is patient - tolerant
38. An ant that does not cooperate - recalcitrant
39. An ant that doesn't agree easily - reluctant
40.An ant that runs away from school unjustified -Truant
41. A place where ANTS eat is also called = RestaurAnt
42. An Ant that causes some body movement ----Stimulant
43. An Ant on Vacation= VacAnt
An ant that carry a baby -pregnant
44. Ant that smells good, FRAGRANT
45. A Fashionable Ant = ELEGANT
46. A victorious Ant = triumphant
47. An ant that play basketball - DurANT
48. Ants that play like Kevin DeBryne and Bruno = Assistant
49. An ant that finds solution to problems.=..Antidote
50. Ants that hide their Private Parts is called Ladies= Pant
51. Ants that Hate Jesus Christ is called = Anti-Christ
52. An Ant That Depends on Others is called = Dependant
53. Ants that do things to Impress others is called =PLEASANT
54. An ant that shows bad behavior openly is called BLATANT
55. An ant that is everywhere is called =RAMPANT
56. An ant that leads the colony is call = LIEUTENANT
57. An ant who doesn't want to cooperate- HESITANT
58. Contributed by me- An ant that breaks curfew = DEFIANT

Can you add to this list?
IM5688 · 61-69, M
An ant that does aerobics/acrobatics = flippant
An ant waiting for something = expectorant

This list proves two things without a doubt...
1 We can be creative.
2. We have too much free time on our hands.
Rusham · M
@IM5688 Haha. Too much time on our hands! Could it be called retirement?
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
An ant that gets along: Compliant.
Ant high jinks: Antics.
Can't stand the wait: anticipation.
Hot ants need: antiperspirant.
Devil ants: antichrist.
Nunki · 31-35, F
An ant that expects too much from you = anticipation
Glossy · F
You might want to check number two. I think it should read “immigrant”.
Rusham · M
@Glossy agreed

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