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Males Ruin Everything

Like can you imagine what this site and many others could be without edgy old and young men who think harassment and cruelty is funny (only when it's not directed at them of course). Without their shitty joke written like a toddler and all the rest? God that would be heaven. Males are so pathetic and shit in every single way, and they just get worse instead of take accountability for being the problem everywhere.
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PinkMoon · 26-30, F
The problem isn't men, the problem is terrible people who happen to be men. Their gender isn't what makes them bad people. Judging people based on their gender is prejudicial and small minded.
seaglass · F
I've experienced from both men and women, but yeah... dudes are more prolific with it
seaglass · F
@WhyThooo Agreed
WhyThooo · 31-35
@seaglass Will do, thanks.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
Shrug…your vitriol, and the vehemence with which you expressed it, should be sufficient to spare you any male company. Enjoy
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Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
@WhyThooo You’re as bad, if not worse, than a man
WhyThooo · 31-35
@Pinkstarburst nah nice try tho
slorollin · 41-45, M
@Pinkstarburst Thank you ☺️
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
but it's not funny though....

Better to have a clever and well timed.... 3.. 2.. 1.. joke
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Unfortunately the form of verbal bullying you refer to is a fact of life. It often comes out to compensate for insecurities and a sense of inferiority felt by the bully. A kind of "kick the cat" reaction . Or the kind of compensation for a latent homo$exu@lity that used to be portrayed in the movies where the tough guy was secretly g@y.. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.)😷
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pancakeslam · 41-45, M
yes, bravo, 💯, down with the patriarchy


all of simpdom
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