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rockstar · 31-35, M
Burglar: *points gun at me* Alright buddy just show me your valuables and nobody gets hurt
Me: Haha sure thing dude - ALEXA CALL THE POLICE
Alexa: “Shuffling songs by The Police”
*Roxanne plays as I get shot 16 times*
Me: Haha sure thing dude - ALEXA CALL THE POLICE
Alexa: “Shuffling songs by The Police”
*Roxanne plays as I get shot 16 times*
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Yes it's interesting how you can ask Alexa for certain information 'she' doesn't understand but just watch your inbox swell if you mention certain words repeatedly
Jlhzfromep · M
She just likes screwing around with people I think