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I don't argue. It's not productive.

I just grab the remote and turn up the volume on the TV.
bag of Doritos while they act a fool.

@Pinkstarburst And grab some popcorn
@latinbutterfly I’ve been known to tell them they are better than a Jerry Springer episode 😉
Ferric67 · M
I remember many years ago there was a staff meeting, long story short...one coworker and I were the only two who showed up (in a department staff of maybe 15). The regional manager stopped in the meeting and proceeded with the manager to gang up and yell at my coworker. It went on and on, back and forth.
Not a word had been mentioned to me in all this.
They finish up, my coworker storms out. The regional manager turns to me and apologizes and walks out....end of meeting.

Ironic thing about that fiasco of a meeting...I, too, had been guilty of everything that they were accusing the other guy of....they outright only cared about targeting him.
Awkward and uncomfortable.
@Ferric67 Wow, that's basically bullying. They were clearly drunk with power.
Ferric67 · M
@latinbutterfly in their defense, that coworker was a major liability professionally, ethically and moral wise...he was lucky not to get harassment charges brought up against him by others (namely the females in the work environment...maybe that was what that was all about, but they didn't want to say it)....he needed to go. But the minutiae that they were picking on him for was insignificant in comparison to what I just brought up...they were much better off confronting him with real issues.
hence, why I was just as guilty of the same stupid little things that they were picking on him for...and he was defending the clear violations he was committing. That meeting was about as dysfunctional and evasive as you can get.
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F
@latinbutterfly mmhmm. Pure power tripping. I hate it when I come across superiors like that. Like damn. Don't let your title get to your head.

I usually just leave
@SW-User Same. Unless it's people that I'm supposed to be working with. Ugh.
@latinbutterfly especially if it's people i work with .
Eff that
@latinbutterfly sorta same when I do my volunteer work, but usually I’m good. We’re both there for the same reason and mostly people don’t fight.
Fairydust · F
Yeah and sometimes I can’t resist….

[image deleted]
Nevaeh0081 · 36-40, F

I just stand there be the referee and witness.

I won't jump in if they're already mixed.

But I'll try to prevent it.
deadgerbil · 22-25
Yeah and I left. A person tried to drag me into it
@deadgerbil "Uh, I actually have to go do something over there 🏃"
Slade · 56-60, M
I do what I can to aggravate it 😈
@Slade lol
@Slade shit stirring, huh?
Starchild1983 · 41-45, F
Omg yes a few times… it’s so so uncomfortable lol
yes....and when i'm done saying my 2 cents worth and the other person is continuing their rant i just smile and blink my eyes....but that usually makes them angrier cus they want a reaction out of me. then they usually calm down after they realize what an idiot they are.
@beermeplease Exactly. When people fail to get a reaction out of you, it really sets them off because they made themselves look like a dumbass.
My 2 married friends used to argue openly when I visited. I'd be crammed in the middle seat in their sports car, as volleys were fired at each other over me. 🤦‍♂️

I broke the tension by offering free marital counselling/mediation while we drove.
when they start crying 🤣
Oh my god, it sucks so bad. Ugh.
Ducky · 31-35, F

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