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Is Jordon Peterson a cokehead?

He talks like one apparently🤷‍♀️. I dont know, I really dont have a lot of experiences with cokeheads🤷‍♀️.

And we do know he had a benzo problem and yeah even I know coke and benzos go 2gether🤷‍♀️
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val70 · 51-55
This at wiki: "In late 2019 Peterson sought "emergency" detox from benzodiazepine addiction. Peterson stated this rehab was the result of his prescribed dosage of clonazepam being increased after his wife Tammy was diagnosed with kidney cancer. According to Peterson, he made several attempts to reduce dosage or stop the drug completely, but experienced "horrific" benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome.

In January 2020, Peterson was unable to find North American doctors willing to accommodate his treatment desires and so flew to Moscow, Russia along with his daughter, son-in-law, and granddaughter to pursue treatment there. Doctors in Russia diagnosed him with pneumonia in both lungs upon arrival and placed him into a medically induced coma for eight days, followed by four weeks in the intensive care unit, during which time he suffered a temporary loss of motor skills."
val70 · 51-55
@Alison I hope that your spelling improves.
Alison · 18-21, F
@val70 i did a poll once. On the internet gramma nazis are more h8ed than creeps *laughs*
So online, yeah keep that in mind : )
val70 · 51-55
@Alison 🙄 Have a good life.
revenant · F
...and that is how rumours are started..3

He's definitely not well.
Alison · 18-21, F
@SW-User he is less coherant than me, lets face it.
Like I cant stay on topic, have diversions, may flirt when Im explaining something and b all over the place *laughs*
Get a new thought every 3 seconds.
He is worse
BohemianBabe · M
Alison · 18-21, F
@BohemianBabe @SW-User
Next he will be describing valium as mothers little helper
Gloomy · F
He definitely has mental health issues probably the reason why he went down the alt-right pipeline and sold himself out to conservative media platforms.
He is about to have his license removed too.
AbbeyP · 70-79, F
You are out of date with your asdumptions@Gloomy
Gloomy · F
@AbbeyP Why assumptions? He discussed his addiction and depression himself
AbbeyP · 70-79, F
But that was sometime ago@Gloomy
BohemianBabe · M
He strikes me more as a pill-popping pill-popper.
Alison · 18-21, F
@BohemianBabe well who doenst love benzos ig🤷‍♀️. I do ngl

However I quit them without going to Russia.
I win, i am the biggest lobster in the lobster tank🙂
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Alison · 18-21, F
@BohemianBabe *snips at you*
val70 · 51-55
I don't know. You must encounter them regularly, or are a doctor yourself
Alison · 18-21, F
@val70 i never had an opinion on the situation. I just asked
I really dont know any cokeheads but I have seen the view he talks like one🤷‍♀️
val70 · 51-55
@Alison Try wiki perhaps
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
How much of his gibberish is coke babble and how much is it just that he's a terrible person with awful beliefs?
AbbeyP · 70-79, F
I think anyone who says this must be pretty stupid, frankly. Of course, as he doesn’t go along with the idiot views of the woke silly peopke label him like this becAuse they haven’t the intelligence to argue their point.
Imsleepy · 31-35
I think
I doubt it.
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
Idk but he says a lot of stupid stuff. I remember him twisting himself into a pretzel trying to defend the belief in God
Alison · 18-21, F
@deadgerbil I really should catch up I suppose but his voice and style grates on me🤷‍♀️.
Mayb its just me but it always feels like right wing people are yelling at me🤷‍♀️, even on here🤷‍♀️
Left wing people even on youtube just feel like they are having a conversation with you

Maybe its just me, I dunno
deadgerbil · 26-30, M
@Alison lots of right-wing people are bitter and ignorant af

Just like the one guy on here who made it his entire personality to talk about gender and trans issues while acting like he doesn't have beef with the community
Alison · 18-21, F
@deadgerbil uve probably got this vibe off me:
Ive read religious texts
Ive kept up on right wing values and still do
I dunno Ive just read a lot of stuff and like Ive watched Shapiros crap on youtube🤷‍♀️
I even keep up with the transphobes a bit but that makes me phyically ill TBH

Im making semi informed choices on my values🤷‍♀️
I've no idea, is he The President of USA?
Alison · 18-21, F
[@AthenaArena some Canadian mra guy
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
The guy is fucked-up six ways to Sunday.

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