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Why do extroverted people terrify me? 😬😅😅😅

My heart race as soon as they mention they’re extroverted

Lmao I genuinely want to know the reason
BlueVeins · 22-25 Best Comment
they don't know how powerful they are
@BlueVeins this 🥲
BlueVeins · 22-25
@Stark I always feel like you must be so extraverted until you remind me that you're not 😅
@BlueVeins a lot of people on here think I am

I think many of them overcompensate because of insecurities or self image issues, seeing these traits may be a bit like looking into a mirror reminding us of our own perceived personality flaws (real or imagined)
SailorMarz · F
You just know they'd put you on the spot cause they do 😩
@SailorMarz omfg yes, there’s always that. And I think I’m scared they’re going to think I’m a weirdo because I’m not as outgoing or sociable as them. 🥹🥲
SailorMarz · F
@Stark I've became friends with the extrovert at work. I've learned to love her but man she intimidated me at first. But she was also the nicest out of all of em
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
Introverted people are pretty scary when you find out what they're thinking all the time.
If you know you are an introvert, and that's your happy place, the very different energy if strong extroverts/extraverts can come across as aggressive to the point of activating your fight-or-flight response.

Some use that to keep introverts from being...threats. They can fear depth.

Don't fear the others. Respect your own strength.
MellyMel22 · F
You’re too funny 🤭
@MellyMel22 are you an extrovert mel ?
MellyMel22 · F
@Stark I either am or def am not. It depends on my mood, but I think more introvert. Though those who know me would prob say not 🤔😆
Reject · 26-30, M
I used to extroverted when I was a kid, but depending on people so much crushed me whenever I had to be alone which was often. So I learned introversion. Now I’m like an ambivert.
I feel like true extroverts are maybe 5% of the population. Thank goodness it’s not the other way around or I’d feel so alone
Allelse · 36-40, M
They rarely respect your boundaries, and if you're an introvert your boundaries are very important to you.
Dino11 · M
Judge for yourself, first...talk is cheap.
Same .Makes me want to.run for the hills
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Because they are fucking creepy
Good to know I don't terrify you 😌
I guess it’s the idea of it ?
because they are nuts
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I can be but I can also be an introvert too
empanadas · 31-35, M
Because they usually want something
literally this @empanadas

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