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This is funny

I got a letter from a company called CARSHIELD today telling me my warranty was about to expire on my 2017 Doge Dakota, whatever that is, and I needed to buy an extended warranty from them. Now I grew up and currently live in downtown Boston. I have never owned any type of vehicle, but I do have a drivers license. Maybe they thought since I had a drivers license I had a vehicle, I can see myself setting in downtown traffic when I can walk/run/bike about anyplace I want to go.
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These are scams. But having once lived in downtown Boston (Charlestown in fact), i certainly understand how a car is more a liability than an asset. And the insurance costs!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I got a call from the same type of scam and told the woman “Not today, Satan”. She said she would call back at a better time so I said “Not today, Satan” once again.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
Well since the Dakota ceased to be built after the 2011 model year, I'd say it is a scam.
carpediem · 61-69, M
So are you buying the warranty?
Shannon27 · M
@carpediem F**k no talk about a scam. How do these people live with themselves knowing they are trying to steal money for hard working people every day.
Dshhh · M
these are total scam outfits. I have gotten a lot of calls
they were willing to sell me a warranty On my Tucker Torpedo
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
It is just an advertisement and this is how they scam people who are a little too unaware to grasp this isn't their car warranty company.
Shannon27 · M
@JaggedLittlePill Yea you can sell some people anything.

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