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What’s your favourite time of day?

For anything that you look forward to or makes you feel good.
Happymedium · 56-60, F
When the gummy kicks in🫠
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@Happymedium space time! 🚀
@Happymedium Don't bogart that gummy, my friend,

Pass it over to me...😵‍💫
JustNik · 51-55, F
Dusk. The end of the light feels a bit like coming home to quiet after a noisy overstimulated day. Even though I work from home and spend all day alone. 🤣
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@JustNik Yes. Dusk is like the day closing the cover of its book. Time to digest. 😊
TheFragile · 46-50, M
6pm. I'm home from work by then, and usually get to watch a concert on Youtube for an hour or two, or listen to a few albums.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@TheFragile Chill time! Yessss
val70 · 51-55
Early morning. No-one around and everything is quiet
solitaire · 41-45, F
@val70 Early morning is nice but when you have to wake up early cos of work it gets tiring :/
AngelUnforgiven · 46-50, F
Bed time for me. Sleeping is my favorite hobby. All i do is think about my bed when I'm away from home.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@AngelUnforgiven Your bed is your oyster. 🤍
AngelUnforgiven · 46-50, F
@LunarOrbit indeed it is 🧡
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@beermeplease Beer time!
The first cup of coffee!
When dinner is over, and the dishes done!
And then when waking from a naughty dream, finding yourself alive and well!
SeaGlass · F
About 8 pm, usually. Everything's done for the day, time to chill for a few hours
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@SeaGlass Me time 👍
Nanori · F
Depends but usually 3pm, coffee time.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@Nanori Mid day break!
3am. Quiet. Peaceful. Lots of stars and no humanoids.
Am coffee and

Getting home from work
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@pripyatamusementpark Yes. That first sip of coffee is like liquid gold.

Coming home from work is nice. That first breath after you leave the workplace is the freshest.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@LifeIsShort mine too
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Very early morning
5am - it's peaceful
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@V00doo Nice! Im still half asleep that early.
TheFragile · 46-50, M
@V00doo I'm just beginning my first hour of my twelve hour work day. I fucking hate 5am!
Adogslife · 61-69, M
I workout early every morning. It’s my way of letting the day know I’m not going to quit on it.
solitaire · 41-45, F
Sometimes on weekends I look forward to a niceeeeeeeeee nap
The crepuscular time of the morning, or evening.
MethDozer · M
I really like the whole 7pm till 9am part of each day cycle.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@MethDozer i agree. Dusk and dawn while vacationing somewhere hot is extra special for slme reason. I
MethDozer · M
@LunarOrbit I actually prefer it when it's cold and snowy but yeah.
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LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@Lilnonames Nom nom time!

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