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A nice gift

I’ve always liked these dark cloudy days. Not that I don’t love the idyllic golden sunshine and bright happy colors and that burst of life they seem to bring, but I suppose as a quiet soul, this soothing blanket of gray has a special appeal. It feels like it’s made for deep breaths and contemplation. Solitude feels more natural and never lonely. The difficult things don’t feel so discordant, and all the shades of sadness take on that lovely hue that reminds me living is beautiful even when it’s not. I overdid it on my leg yesterday so I won’t be going for a walk today, but I know if I did, the lush greens would fairly glow against that neutral palette, the sound of my own footsteps would feel like intimate company. Instead I’m here, in the soft warm light of a lamp, soaking up the glorious exhale of a dark gray day. The only way to do this gift wrong is to fail to open it. It’s a good day.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
From your posts, I have gotten the impression that you and I do not live all that far away from each other.

Here, there is a light cloud cover, but sunlight is still getting through. So one of us probably has the weather that the other will be getting later!

I am basically an introvert, even though I enjoy being sociable. So I can relate to what you are saying about the soothing blanket and contemplation. But for me, that feeling happens more on rainy days, although not ones with downpours (those are too spectacular for contemplation! lol)
JustNik · 51-55, F
@DrWatson I got yours later! 😄
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@JustNik I was hoping for yours, since rain would have rescued me from doing yardwork! But it never came! 😄
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
I have been liking them lately because we need rain. And triple digit heat indexes with no clouds are getting tiring.
JustNik · 51-55, F
@JoyfulSilence we struggled with drought for several years and this year it’s been flooding. I think Mother Nature must have hit menopause. 🤣 Hoping you get some nice cool rainy days very soon! (But not too much 😅)
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

It is sunny and in the upper 70's! But it will still hit 90.

And it rained yesterday, and was cloudy all day. But the grass is still tan.
Magenta · F
Beautiful. 🩶
I also find a certain solace in those grey cloudy days.
Carlam · 70-79, F
What a beautifully written reflection! Your words resonate deeply, capturing the essence of finding peace and beauty in the quieter, more subdued moments. There’s a special kind of magic in the calm and contemplative atmosphere of gray days that you’ve described so eloquently. Thank you for sharing this lovely perspective.
Plasticbag · 100+, M
Good thoughts and a good day 🥰
So true 😌 💋

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