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I Believe A Guy And A Girl Can Be Just Friends

Whether or not certain guys believe it though, is a different question :P
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rckt148 · 61-69, M
I have lots of female friends and have most of my life that we knew friends is all we would ever be
Many of them have asked would I be interested in marrying them ,but I knew for that to happen they would have to change things for me and I in turn would feel obligated to changer things about myself for them ,
Years ago maybe I would have done that to them and myself ,but we were friends a long time before my buddies they were married to passed away and I ended up single ,
one ,my best friends widow ,I know she would be an awesome wife ,,she put up with him for years and always had his back ,,
But they also screwed their kids up ,never setting boundaries ,always giving them anything they wanted ,never making them earn anything
and now she has 30 - 40 yr old addicts still hanging on to Mommies coattail
and I am wise enough to know that alone would end us ,I could not tolerate that ,,when it comes to our kids ,we are totally different people ,

And maybe she would change that for me ,who knows ,,but to me ,its wouldn't be fair of me to ask .
She has offered for me to come stay with her for awhile ,,,when I said no she started sending me messages about how I need to let go of my past ,and look for the future I may be passing up ,,,now some guys I know would have jumped on this ,,she is still a very pretty lady ,and a proven very supportive wife .

But I am a real friend ,and I want to remain that way
If I took her up on her offer ,and then she resented me ,,because I would want her to care for us ,and let her kids finally grow up
Not only would we both be hurt ,I would lose a friend
I am tired of being alone ,,,but my heart is not a toy and neither is theirs
I would rather have a long term friend ,then a short term lover
The wise know when not to mess up a long term friendship ,for short term pleasure
A real friend cares about your life and future ahead of his own
The right one will fit ,and I won't need to change her ,or I for her
But I am thankful for all my female friends ,,
They know how I am and now we have all that BS out of the way ,they know I don't have any plans to just sleep with them ,our friendship means more to me than that ,,,,and I am always there for them ,,no strings attached
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Sharky86 · 36-40, M
I've got many female friends.
pixiekaren · 22-25, F
@Sharky86 I have plenty of male ones too :D Though there is one who shall be anonymous who isn't always happy to leave it that way lol
@pixiekaren Sounds like a nice position to be in actually
funfan · 51-55, M
@pixiekaren And how about now, almost 4 (🤯!!!!) years later?
mathsman · 70-79, M
I became friends with an ex girlfriend.

We had both moved on and both have new partners.

And it was a lovely relationship.

However, When Harry Met Sally, presents valuable insights to male thinking.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
It certainly is possible, I have a number of female friends.
The problem comes with my wife who perhaps believes it's not possible to be just friends.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
I have always worked in an environment where the majority of staff were women and as a result I have several female friends.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@MrAverage1965 Good for you man
I work with a lot of women and some i would say i am friends with.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@nevergiveup Ever in the back of your mind. though about fucking them
funfan · 51-55, M
Platonic relationships can be wonderful ones, I definitely agree. :)
ron122 · 41-45, M
Your right a guy and girl can be good friends
SweetMae · 70-79, F
It is possible to be just friends with some men.
Dez580 · 61-69, M
I believe it, some of us including myself, just like to have friends , male and female. Sex is not needed for friendship, I have many lady friends both straight and gay. Sex is lovely yes and I enjoy it , but I can enjoy close friendships with lasses without sex even being a factor. Trying to seduce a good friend would feel like a betrayal of our friendship
i find friendship is better. so why ruin it
Vetman · 46-50, M
Not if they look like you 😜🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hotelroom38 · 51-55, M
haha very true we seem to have totaly different outlook on this one!!!

My best Friend in my late teens early 20's was a girl, but I fell in love with her and it got.... complicated.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
You will be friends but they guy will still be thinking about the the the thing.
Thespis · M
They should be able to. It's sad some people only see the value in someone as a sexual object. Makes me question their relationships. If you can't just be friends with a girl, then is a romantic partners only value sexual? It's sad.
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dsrice · 56-60, M
I believe that to be true.
i am a nudest and sometimes i am around naked women. I see them as friends and nothing more. friendship means a lot to me
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bhatjc · 46-50, M
borntoruleyou · 31-35, M
My best frnd is a female and i so much love and respect her in a non romantic way.opposite sex friendships are more closer than same sex friends in my opinion.
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MrGoodbar · 51-55, M

if I'm not physically attracted to her yes of course we can be friends
Rhodesianman · 56-60, M
I agree I have more female friends than male maybe because I find guys have one track minds and a immature outlook on life and most are not that interesting to talk to .Its sex sport and booze and women .
Winston335 · 56-60, M
Of course but there will always some kind of sexual tension
Blueboy · M
And have sex
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
My best friends are women
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@HotPizza71 Very nice friends. But any of the you wish were more?
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
@bhatjc maybe a few years ago..not Now
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@HotPizza71 understandable man.👍
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