4meAndyou · F
That is really normal and typical. GP's see SO many people in the course of a week that all the names and faces begin to blur. I suspect many of them are exhausted, and the ONLY way they know anything at all about you is when they look at your chart.
I have a friend who gets REALLY resentful and angry because HIS doctors, (many of them), have no idea who he is.
I have a friend who gets REALLY resentful and angry because HIS doctors, (many of them), have no idea who he is.
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
He's seen so many people since he's seen you. Combine that with the new haircut and the generally stressful nature of his work and you have a recipe for some memory fog.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
^^^ this ^^^
smiler2012 · 61-69
[@wanttostickinyermouth] 🤔yes heard of this happening before where the doctor has no idea who you are or why you have come too see them . but too be fair to the doctors the amount of patients they see you can understand
kalpanapatel149 · 36-40, F
GP ?
4meAndyou · F
@kalpanapatel149 General Practitioner. (Family doctor).
kalpanapatel149 · 36-40, F
@4meAndyou thanks