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I need advice on this friends fallout

So, my group (5 persons) of friends had a fallout. We had split into 2 and 3 now and I'm in the trio group.
Admittedly, it started out as our offense as we (the trio) had enrolled earlier than the other two in the group and failing to tell them sooner which forced us to not share most of our classes. We hadn't talked to each other for awhile until I went to the other two and apologized for what had happened. I tried to be friendly with them and reach out from time to time to somehow heal the tension but I grew tired of it for the lack of reciprocation on their end. It hadn't salvaged the friendship and we still remained cold to each other as if we were never friends.

But then, the fallout made me realize the underlying issues of our friend group when we were still together. Back then it felt like our group was not on equal understanding. Whenever we hang out together, it often feels very awkward and we struggle to find a topic to talk about other than school. And the other two that I have mentioned always seemed to separate themselves from the group even if we try to invite them out for leisure.
I don't want to paint anybody as a villain but it is for the best that we don't hangout anymore. Personally, I think my friendship within the trio has improved a lot and we opened up more compared to when we were 5 people and the other two seem to be doing great too. But recently I had a gut feeling that I should try to reach out one more time and have a proper conversation about our unexplained negative feelings. I'm not expecting that we get the group together, nor do I want that to happen. But I would atleast like if we could not treat each other so coldly anymore.

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twistedrope · 26-30, M
Whether you reach out or not, I ask you remember to relax. Things could go well or they could go horribly wrong. You can't speak for the group in wanting to invite them back in.

If you are reaching out to these people, talk to one individually as if it's just you. Friendships groups are all in the end, just 1-1 friendships between people keeping em together. imo.

And yeah. I had a friendship group of about 11 and I only talk to one of them now and he... really only talks to two of them. And the other guy is a lovely chap I have always enjoyed my time with him. Each of the other 8 were just... not very interested in me. And it was very clear once I thought it through.

I do not regret their loss, i am disappointed to have met such selfish indolent people.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
Some friendships stay strong and never die, some fade like they never existed, that’s just life.
GabbySA8 · F
If your group splits this easily it wasnt ever really a group
Chops · 18-21, F
@GabbySA8 It sometimes felt like a duo and a trio that tried to hang out as a group for a whole year but never really merged 🥲 (no that's exactly what happened)

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