Werid experience with my work friend.
So I'm pretty close to a guy I work with. He has great work ethic and our conversations flow easy. We also have a lot in common with life experiences. I only see him as a friend and I'm in no way sexually attracted to him. Our schedules happen to match up this weekend where we had days off at the same time. So we decided to go out. We never hung out outside of work but i thought it would be cool to further the friendship and see how we act outside of work. It just so happens that both our friend groups couldnt go out with us, so it was just him and I. Since i dont drink much and when i do i limit myself to one small glass and since he wanted to drink we decided i would be the DD. It started out nice enough. We went to a bar that had a band playing. The vibes were really nice. Everyone just seemed like they were having a good time jamming out to the music. I danced with some moms. They said I reminded them of their daugthers. They had a hippy etheral vibe about them. They were such a mood. I was drinking non alocholic drinks. On the other hand my friend was slamming beers and shots like there was no tomorrow. I didnt want to say anything because he is an adult and i have no idea how high his alcohol tolerance is. Well the bar was closing and after some convincing we decided to go to another bar and thats when things got out of hand. He was stumbling over himself, being aggressive and a little mean to me. By being mean he was telling me to stfu when i asked if he was okay or when I asked to put his stuff in my purse so he wouldnt lose it. The rest of the night he was hugging me calling me his best friend but he would also try kissing me and I repeatedly told him he was making me uncomfortable. I somehow convinced him to let me take him home because he was oblierated from all the alcohol he drank. When we got to his house he tried to kiss me again and when i put my hands up and turned away from him he got upset and started saying really mean things to me. He eventually got out of my car and went inside his house but now I dont know if i can stay his friend. I dont want to judge him and end our friendship over this because alcohol was invovled. But I do feel violated and im not sure how to face him when we see each other at work tomorrow.