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How often are you reminded of former EP users?

Who do you think of and wonder about??

Something just reminded me of Geetar39 and now I’m wondering if he’s here on SW

Hey, man, if you’re here give me a shout!!
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Today been nostalgic for me, not a particular user, just missing something that feel is lacking here, no offense to this site.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Justmeraeagain I hear you. 🤗
Isthisit · F
I had so many good friends on ep but i cant remember their usernames!
Isthisit · F
Amidst my friends i had a girl from England named Sarah and a girl from Romania named Miriam. I do miss them have no idea where they are now.
@Isthisit I’ve seen a miriam on here, but I’m guessing she’s not the same one.
Peaches · F
Many of the ones I knew have passed away.😔Then some of the others I discovered were fakes. I used to wonder why the owners let it go to hell.🤔Then I feel like they opened this one too, although they say they're not the same people.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Peaches · F
@Degbeme That's right!🤗💓
Celt43 · 46-50, M
Thankfully I'm still friends with a lady on here who was one of my very first friends on EP 😀
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Celt43 that’s terrific! One of my very first friends on EP was Deg…and we are friends here too. I adore him 😉
Celt43 · 46-50, M
@LadyJ 🤗🤗🍻
Celt43 · 46-50, M
@ImpeccablyImperfect it's lovely when a friendship lasts 😊
antonioioio · 70-79, M
It was a great place EP
Miss it very much ❤️
Hope you find your friend

Wasn't he friends with Sylph(y)?

She and I were friends.
She was a very fascinating person.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON yes he was good friends with her :)
@LunadelobosIAMTHEDRAGON Sylph was a friend to me, as well. I still miss her. 😞
Nebula · 41-45, F
If they cared, they could log in and say hey. Unless they have passed on.
@Nebula right!
Don't remem much the usernames ,but do wish I had the same friendlist I had in EP
Carissimi · F
I occasionally think of my dear friend, “Snuffle.” She wrote beautiful poetry, and other things. She was an old soul, although young. There are others, and I cannot recall their usernames, but I remember them with fondness.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Carissimi I’m recalling one with a name of Sparkles or something similar…sadly, she passed away (cancer took her) and the entire site seemed to be struck with grief over that loss. It was momentous. 💔
Carissimi · F
That’s sad. I don’t recall “Sparkles,” but that site had so many users from all over the world, you couldn’t possibly know everyone. @ImpeccablyImperfect
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Carissimi ‘tis true
RebelFox · 36-40, F
I miss EP 😆
@RebelFox I do, too.
Peaches · F
@PhoenixPhail I saw the writing on the wall (so to speak) and left for RTT a year before it shut down. I didn't say anything to anyone. I just left.😔
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
I think you and I were both friends with crowd of one?( If I remember correctly)
He wasn't a highly visible user, good friend, great writer, always wonder how he is doing.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Justmeraeagain yes, that’s right, we were. I even spoke with him via the phone a few times….I often wonder about him too. (I may even still have his number) 🤔
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
@ImpeccablyImperfect It might still be same one... Lol
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Justmeraeagain yeah I just checked…I don’t have it anymore. That’s okay. I’m sure he is doing just fine! 👍 He was a good guy
Bruinssoxpats · 56-60, M
I remember my very first profile picture that caught my eye , it was from this woman who called herself babydoll 42 . I remember it because it was a picture of her gorgeous legs while in the tub . Thankfully we are still good friends , a friend I can confide in and trust which is something we all need .She has been there when I was going through a divorce, the death of my brother, and everything in between, I don’t think I’ve ever thanked her for all that she has helped me with , so if your out there “ BABYDOLL 42 “ thank you from the bottom of my heart !!

One more thing , her sense of humor kills me ……. She comes out with some good ones !!!
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Bruinssoxpats she sounds wonderful! 😊 and I bet she appreciates you too
I was on EP as a young teen at first, so I struggle to remember anyone 💀 there was this one user I had a huge crush on (again I was like 14 lol) but I don’t remember their username.
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
I also think of Babydoll42…. She had
a really sweet ass 😋

Wonder what ever became of her? 🤔
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Ambroseguy80 hahah I remember her too
I remember her fondly
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
@ImpeccablyImperfect me too…. She was a gutsy gal.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Not much, although I do pick up patterns with some members here that I’ve seen before and associate with EP profiles.
WillaKissing · 56-60
I think of my EP friends occasionally, but I did not have many, and one oddly enough found me on a dating site after EP closed and tried to play a scam game. I knew where she lived in the US with her husband and what she and her husband looked like from the naked beach photos she posted on EP! Christ how many exact looking blonde females are there that have two pistols tattooed on the lower abdomen pointed right up to and at her hoochie.

NAh, I quit wondering after that honestly.
quite often. Some good peeps, some migrated over, but didnt stay long.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
BBrendan · 46-50, M
I do often think about the people I interacted with on ep. I made a few connections, had some amazing chats and met some lovely (and exciting) people. I miss some of them and would love to know if they are on here.
I can’t remember most of the usernames and my username on here is different but there is one I remember, Redtearsmayfall. The last thing she told me was that she had cancer. I have no idea if she’s still around or not. I would love to know one way or another.
Still kinda miss Saratoga girl but have moved on.
@BetweenKittensandRiots There were so many stories about her. We were close. I didnt know what to believe.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Wow! There is a name I`ve not seen in ages.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Degbeme Right?? Sometimes people just pop into my head and of course now I have to ask hahaha
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
I miss Affinityterra a lot. She & I were close in the old place but she felt she had to move on, even before it collapsed. A couple of others whose name escape me now. I remember their real names but not their nics.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
And I remember your name :) @ineedadrink
ineedadrink · 51-55, M
@ImpeccablyImperfect I kept it the same as not much had changed in my life and I was hoping someone would remember me.
This reminded me!

That was the best place :
I was friends with people who really opened my eyes and we had heart connections.
Extraordinary people.

I really sometimes miss them.

One person is on a different platform and we are not close anymore.
Life changes everything.
I can't remember most names anymore but I remember I used to talk to Haze94 & Brainrapist on a daily basis.

Haze94 never made it here sadly. Brainrapist did but I looked her up recently & she's not active anymore. I haven't spoke to her since 2017 or '18.
Freeranger · M
Not at all. I was a survivor of the great Soda Head diaspora, after a time at Amirite, which was taken over by a lil' brown shirt nazi.

Relating the question to Soda's still painful to think of the acquaintances I lost, and who were cast into a black hole.
Wayne1170 · M
A close friend called Funsized42 she never joined sw after ep shut down ...great fun to chat with . I do wonder how she's doing
Wayne1170 · M
@ImpeccablyImperfect Did you ever chat with here she was from Amarillo
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Wayne1170 I’m not sure…there were so many people with whom I chatted here and there….
Wayne1170 · M
@ImpeccablyImperfect Yeah very true can't chat with everyone !!!
I was never reminded because my friends weren’t annoyingly popular. They’re all gone now because they don’t tolerate the silliness of this site.
@SW-User Just curious was he in the UK and in a wheelchair?
@NoGamesTolerated Lol, no he was from Michigan
@ImpeccablyImperfect Thank you. He died in 2014 and I only knew him for a year. Sadly he left Ep after being diagnosed. I guess he was too sad to stay on. He was a very intelligent guy but he had terrible luck in life.
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
I think of them occasionally. How can you help but not to? I wonder about Jenvice and hope she’s okay. And the other one is here and knows who she is. Would be nice if she stopped playing games and came clean with me.
Nvr I was continually groomed in that cesspool,one of my groomers i still see here but i weirdly don't feel anger towards them just pity
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@PepsiColaP oh shit, I’m sorry you had that experience 😔
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@PepsiColaP that’s terrible. I am so sorry.
Riemann · 31-35, M
Not really. There was one that I enjoyed speaking to during the final months of ep which, actually she was on sw during the early years, but I hadn’t heard of this place yet. So we never reconnected. She’s no longer here either.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
They'll let you know... Constantly whinging over the loss of EP whilst strangely they are same ones who whinged about the previous version of EP...
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Thevy29 I’m not whining…I’m just thinking of someone from the past :)
He might be under a different username, which usually happens when changes occur. I knew of a few on EP that I grew close to. So, I don't know if they have accounts here
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
There's one person I spoke to nearly every day for 8 years but 9 months ago had a falling out. Not a day goes by.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Starcrossed oh no, I’m sorry 😔
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@ImpeccablyImperfect here's to healthy boundaries 🥂
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@Starcrossed amen sista
cuddles1266 · 70-79, M
I do often think and remember my friends on EP. It was so sad when they had to shut down. Finding those friends was harder than I thought. Still miss them. And miss the groups I joined.
MartinII · 70-79, M
Happily, all the people I liked most on EP migrated to SW - one of them alerted me to the existence of this site. Sadly, all of them have fallen by the wayside for different reasons.
Now I know, none has left at all, unless some hv moved on their next journey. So, I don't miss any, just that those story like comments had their own charm.
Lumberjack70 · 56-60, M
Sometimes, I’ll see an old reply pop up from a former friend and it hits me hard. I don’t think she’s here anymore but I think about her, and her kindness, often.
I am reminded everytime I came here.
Most I can't remember their user names.
I know one died, possible 2.
They where fun days sadly missed.
I can't tell exactly but maybe once every couple of days or something. Depends on what I see or think of that reminds me of them.
😆 Tried going back to look at all the old stuff, and couldn't figure out what the hell my name was, let alone anyone else's.
Jeephikelove · 46-50, F
I do think of some of the people I used to chat with, can’t remember most of their profile names though. 😕
@Jeephikelove same issue I have lol
bartender · 36-40, M
A few. Some of them were very strong and genuine connections.

I do miss a few i met here on sw too...
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
I used to chat with this girl constantly on EP. Unfortunately when the site closed, she never joined SW.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Not often. A few that are former here I talk to elsewhere. I don't know who else is missing.
Lol i liked this one guy from U.S. We were such good friends but i forgot his username
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
Before my time I sorry to say. Wish I had known about it
Bruinssoxpats · 56-60, M
There is one more person , justsmile14 , I miss talking with her .
The only people I knew there just wanted to hurt me...
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
Oh no! That’s terrible. I’m sorry. @HootyTheNightOwl
He doesn't show up in Search.
I hope you find him.
ImpeccablyImperfect · 51-55, F
@PhoenixPhail Yeah, I tried searching for his username already haha…but thanks!
TexChik · F
A few made the trip here, the rest disappeared

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