Sometimes I get this too. Only cause my BFF is someone else’s BFF too but it’s the way she helps her other BFF and not me so much. For instance the other girl (who is also a friend of mine but not my BFF) lives many miles away and is married with kids. I find my BFF is always at her house (miles away!) making random home improvements and buying her things and helping out, practically adopting her kids as her own kin. I don’t particularly think any of it is necessary- the friend is married with family nearby and though they don’t have a ton of cash as a married couple, she comes from a well to do background whose mother I’m suuuuure could provide - but it’s really none of my business. There’s nothing wrong with helping but I just don’t get why so much. Except that my BFF maybe wants to be present for her friend and is looking for a reason to be around (I think the marriage is strained).
As for me, I don’t hurt for money but I sure as hell could use help in other areas - emotional support for instance, as the last 3 years have been awful for me. Often though, it seems the only time she rallies my attention is when she wants to do a project at the other girls house, which again, I don’t actually feel is needed. I’d rather spend time having lunch together. Im no Bob Villa and it doesn’t even interest me to improve someone else’s home when I have one of my own to work on.
It’s weird. I don’t get it.