@TheunderdogofNY Ah ok, now i see, thanks! Sorry for misunderstanding. I'd still support her although it would be difficult with a mutual friend involved.
If this friend truly knows me, there will already be the thought I don't agree with abortion and won't help anyone to have an abortion, especially if the father doesn't even know. So... probably, if the friend is confiding in me it's because she really doesn't want an abortion... because I already stated friends of mine know I don't agree with abortions and won't help anyone get an abortion.
To be clear, you can support a friend and still try to have a different outcome. Supporting a friend doesn't have to mean getting the abortion done. Just how I see it.
{@theunderdogofny] 🤔 she has rather put you in a difficult position . she may wanted to get it of her chest and burdened you with her problem . but at the end of the day you know about it and what she inntends to do . this really is between her andf her mutual friend and not really involves you what so ever the outcome
That’s quite a thing to trust with someone. A very big decision for them and a secret to keep. I’d support them because they obviously are seeking and need it. I hope if this has happened in your life the woman is okay.