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HermannFegelein · 26-30, M
Haha that is creepy. It's scary how many there are out there. Have you seen those videos of strangers casually sneaking into people's homes while they're home? They're usually caught on home surveillance cameras. Look them up on'll make you extra careful.
4meAndyou · F
No. I once had a very creepy mailman. I had just been divorced, and the mailman knew it because the 2nd ex's mail was being forwarded. He rang my doorbell and claimed he owed me 37 cents postage. He had it all in pennies, and he carefully pressed each penny into the palm of my hand while giving me meaningful looks.
I guess he figured I was a young divorcee and maybe he could get some.
I guess he figured I was a young divorcee and maybe he could get some.