MarkPaul · 26-30, M
This should be more visually impressive, but with it extending past the plate, no silverware, the pie crust broken and strewn about, there are many deficiencies here. The salad looks okay... overall, it leaves much to be desired. Do better. Presentation: D+
Aysel · F
I'm not sure about the rest of it, but the salad looks delicious.
packersfan4life · 41-45, M
@Aysel it’s basically pie made with pork, venison, potatoes and spices. A traditional French Canadian dish

Looks very good, I have made it for Christmas Eve dinner in the past. Its great because you can prepare it beforehand leaving time to socialize.
Goodluckwiththat · 61-69, M
French Canadian recipe! Delicious!!
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I love tourtiere
littlepuppywantanewlife · 31-35, M
Salad 🥗😋
PEACH4LIFE · 46-50, F
That looks yummy 😋
noexpectations1 · 41-45, M
Ohhhhh!! Dayum, that looks good! My mom made that at Christmas!!
TrashCat · M
I fricking love Tourtiere and make it at least once a month. That looks delish
Atlotto · M
Looks good. I've never had Tourtiere but I'm sure I'd likes.
bijouxbroussard · F
It looks quite good ! 👍🏽
caesar7 · 61-69, M
I have two homemade ones in the freezer left along with two packages of ragout de boulette.......looks delicious btw!! Enjoy!!