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Have you ever seen or tried white strawberries before?

I bought some to try from the greengrocers today.
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benfaltiger004 · 46-50, M
I have seen those in Trader Joe’s recently. But haven’t decided on whether I want to try them out or not yet.
I prefer my Strawberries to be Red … 😝
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
I thought they were called pineberries. They tasted like strawberries with maybe a little bit of pineapple too.
meggie · F
@invisiblewoman could be another variety. These were definitely strawberries.
invisiblewoman · 36-40, F
@meggie oh
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
Nope I can honestly say I have never seen them before. I hope they taste just as good as the red ones do.
meggie · F
@WillaKissing slightly less sweet
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Yes, they were good. Breaks the association between redness and sweetness.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@cherokeepatti seems like someplace I read that all Granny Smith trees are first cousins, as are all Gala, all Braeburn, etc. made from clippings or grafts, not seeds. All invented from the seeds once scattered by Johnny Applesee. Or is that just a fairytale?
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Heartlander Granny Smith apples were developed in Australia.
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jademonkey19 · 41-45, T
Yes! My kids devoured them in like seconds flat, after an initial hesitation.
meggie · F
@jademonkey19 the novelty of something different🍓
iamBen · 61-69, M
I've never seen them before. How do they compare to red ones?
meggie · F
@iamBen very similar. Thicker skins and not quite as sweet.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Yeah, I found them to taste pretty much the same
Never seen those before. How were they if you got them?
meggie · F
@WastedTime very good, I'd eat them again.
ImNotHungry · 36-40, M
How were they?
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
No. Tell us how they are
meggie · F
@caPnAhab very good
icedsky · 51-55, M
Those are damn good. They're Also called a Carolina Pineberry
meggie · F
@icedsky yes they were good. Slightly different from the red ones.
They look suspicious. 🤨
meggie · F
@OlderSometimesWiser I've seen them for the past couple of years so thought I'd try. But a lot of things have been genetically modified over the years. Carrots and broccoli used to be purple
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@meggie Yes but they were modified the old fashioned way by selective breeding of naturally occurring variants not by gene editing or gene insertion.

You can still get purple broccoli.

and carrots
Just not everywhere.
meggie · F
@ninalanyon yes you can on market days here sometimes or posh shops like waitrose do them sometimes
Felina · F
How do they taste 👅…They look tempting 😏🥰
meggie · F
@Felina very good
Gmoney601 · 36-40, F
No, I can only try those when I want to die.
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
They're not singing to me like the juicy red ones..which are best in season Only
meggie · F
@HotPizza71 we go to a pick your own strawberries farm in season and eat more than we buy. I dont feel guilty as they cant get the foreign labourers to pick them, so.a lot were rotting.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@meggie 🤔are you sure they are actually ripe and not like trying too bite a bullet lol
meggie · F
@smiler2012 yeah they were good.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@meggie hope you enjoyed them
meggie · F
@smiler2012 look for them in the markets.
Mooed78 · F
Must be genetically modified..they must bed red.. its weird otherwise

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