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NerdyPotato · M
Caffeine is only part of it. It's mostly the sugar that gives you a temporarily boost before crashing even harder.
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NerdyPotato · M
@Fishy there are sugar free ones? I thought sugar was an essential ingrediënt for the effect 🤔 Maybe sugar free ones rely on a combination of caffeine and the placebo effect 😅
Fishy · 36-40, F
@NerdyPotato yeah, when it comes to beverages, I always choose the lower calorie alternatives, lol
Drinking calories just seems like a waste.
But, I think it's maybe not just the caffeine, but also the vitamins and supplements in the mix too...
maybe something to do with taurine?
Drinking calories just seems like a waste.
But, I think it's maybe not just the caffeine, but also the vitamins and supplements in the mix too...
maybe something to do with taurine?
@Fishy You do know that "sugar free" doesn't mean that it doesn't contain Aspartame - which is as bad, if not worse than the sugar they say is bad for us.
JackB · 36-40, M
Red Bull & Monster = Heart Attack
candycane · 31-35, F
When people died from them they cut the caffeine
It's the ginseng and taurine they add that hops people up.
Fishy · 36-40, F
@NativePortlander1970 Also, maybe the B Vitamins 🤔
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Fishy · 36-40, F