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Coffee - a follow up question.

I'm done with trying to use filter adapters for my Keurig... I quit using the pods because of plastic pods and the environment. So, I'm searching for the best single serve coffee making experience I can find.

Does anybody have a non pod single-serve coffee maker they like? Brand and model number?

Follow up to:
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
Why not just use a French press instead of a machine? They make great coffee...
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@OogieBoogie With mine I find it's usually my fault if I get grounds in me coffee, if I either forget to stir it or fill it too full I get grounds in me mug.

I'm not very with it first thing...🤣
🤣@AntisocialTroll i hear ya .😂
... and winter only makes it worse 😭
Ontheroad · M
@AntisocialTroll being "with it" is highly overrated... I do some good work when I'm lost in my own little slightly fuzzy world😁
WillaKissing · 56-60
I just use freshly ground coffee beans and a $12.99 Mr. Coffee Maker from Walmart. When the grounds are brewed, I spread the used grounds out in the garden.
Ontheroad · M
@WillaKissing I use Lavaza beans and a conical burr grinder... it's a manual grinder and I grind just enough for each cup.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@Ontheroad I grind enough for 8 to ten cups from what the damn pot says, but it gives me two to three big coffee cups of coffee every morning.
No suggestions actually. I found using using a good reusable K-pod and paper filters works for me. Using a reusable K-pod alone let some grounds through. Adding paper filters solved that. Good luck.
Ontheroad · M
@VeronicaJane I've been doing the same thing, but the reusable pods seem to not last too long. I've tried two different kinds and after 6 months or so they begin having problems. They are cheap, so I could just toss them and buy new ones, but it irks me to buy things that wear out so quickly.
Ontheroad · M
Got my metal French Press and just made my first cup of joe in it. It makes a fine cup of coffee and because it is double-walled, the coffee remains hot even while letting it steep.

The only downside, which I expected, is that it takes time to heat the water and let it steep, but the coffee comes out strong and rich, so I'll survive the 6 minute wait for my first morning cup... just barely🤣

Tomorrow I'll have my pour through/drip filter and we'll see if there is a difference.
PerfectionOfTheHeart · 46-50, F
Years back I was the only one drinking coffee in the house so naturally I went the Keurig route. Would go through Keurig machines about every six months though because they would start malfunctioning. Got tired of wasting my money so I bought myself a $20 smaller than average coffee maker at Walmart. Coffee pot only holds 4-5 cups of coffee and has a built-in mesh coffee filter. Still use it when I just want one cup of coffee later on the afternoon.
Ooh, i made a post about a present i got that has completely changed how i have my coffee.

The reasons being :
- it makes the best tasting fresh coffee
- its conventient, quick, minimal clean up and practically no rubbish besides the coffee grinds.
Nothing has to live on your bench . So if you have a small kitchen - no bench space is needed.

Its this:

It comes with a lid/filter stand ...mug....and fliter.

This shows⬇️ how it all sits when you use it...and looks when packed away .
It makes 'pour' or drip coffee, even tho it's supposed to be used for tea.
If you have a grinder, set it on a little coarse so you dont get any 'silt' in the bottom.

Ive found the fresh pour method makes really smooth coffee - it completely removes any bitterness that comes from brewing .

Since ive had this i havent used my French press or moka pot .

Its super easy to clean , packs away with the other cups . And the grounds get scattered into the farden or go in the green waste bin.

There are many differnt types/shapes out there .
(Usually labeled as tea mugs ....but still great for coffee.)
I use it for fresh teas, adding fresh chilli to a hot chocolate, also means i can experiment with adding stuff to my coffee now

I love it so much i barely use any other cup in my cupboard .

There is also this : ( i nearly ordered it, then i got my mug)

Fresh pour coffees are super quick to make.(Well this one is....amd its faster than a drip one )
No brewing, no pods, no rubbish, no special contraption .

If you like super smooth coffee, id reccomend a course grind....or add a filter paper .
(Im not that picky really).

I cant tell you how much i love what this cup has done for my enjoyment of coffee,
Excrpt to say - that after 30+ years of trying different methods....this is (i think), thr absolute best
And ive been thru the wringer of pods, presses, espresso and moka pots, blah blah blah .

This is now my baby 🤗

Edit:( for like the 6th time...i keep adding stuff🙄😏)

It takes as long as an instant coffee to make .

The only thing that you have to be careful of is that you pour the hot (boiling if thats all you got ...of prefably 80-90⁰ C water) over the grounds, slowly so they all get wet. (You dont want any floating to the top).

Then you lift out the filter🤷
If your grounds are fine you have to wait like half a minute for it to drain. If your grind is courser - there's no wait, it drains instantly .
come2gether · 51-55, M
If you want to really enjoy your coffee more, get beans from Panama. Not even kidding. Or central America in general. Best coffee beans in the world. Use
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F

Breville pro Manuel espresso maker

I just let the mug fill. Doesn't need to be just a small shot of espresso.

But French presses make an amazing cup
Ontheroad · M
@Notsimilarreally good point... I could use my espresso machine and let it run long enough for a full cup of coffee. I'll give that a try too.
Penny · 46-50, F
I got a cheap proctor silex one. Its great. You can use pod contraption or little reusable filter basket

ETA only caveat is if you use a lot of cream or milk coffee isnt that hot
I use a plastic one but I can't remember what it's called. I grind coffee and fill it up and it makes one cup. First I do 10 cups then before I drink it, I do 6. So 10 and 6 makes one big cup.
come2gether · 51-55, M
This is a single serve coffee maker that will not produce any inorganic waste. I have it. It's fantastic. It's also not cheap.
Ontheroad · M
@come2gether If I didn't already have an espresso maker I might consider it... when somebody dies and leaves me an inheritance😂
Early morning:
I use a ceramic drip (with paper liner) as an alternative to French press.

Mid day: espresso machine

I was never fond of the pods.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Were not the coffee centre bud 🤣 haha

But i do understand the need for a decent brew
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Lilymoon · F
Ground coffee drip. It has a permanent filter
Ontheroad · M
@Lilymoon are you talking about a maker or the coffee itself?
Lilymoon · F
@Ontheroad the maker
Micku · 18-21, F
I use a Lavazza coffee pod machine,can recycle them, and the coffee is good too.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
My wife is partial to the French press. Pretty easy to use. Good for 1-2 cups.
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
Unless you're a serious coffee drinker you shouldn't spend the money on it but this is a good automated Italian barrista. A double mild not using the bean grinder but the preground side tastes like a quality standard coffee. The price has been lowered considerably from its introduction a few years ago but it is still a very costly appliance to most ppl at around $700.

MarineBob · 56-60, M
Keurig now has plasticless pods for the environmentalists
shakemeup · 36-40
I use a French press.
eventtemple123 · 22-25, M
I have a cheap espresso machine. It makes only one cup at a time and you could make an americano if you prefer brewed coffee (espresso + hot water). Most of them actually have a hot water dispenser for that exact reason!
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I just use a French Press
HotPizza71 · 51-55, M
Thought they'd gone to disposable pods
I use a lavazza coffee pod machine,can recycle them,coffees good too
Ontheroad · M
@HotPizza71 there are recyclable pods now, but I've come to prefer selecting and grinding my own beans. I use Lavaza beans myself.
My mother uses reusable filters and regular coffee with her keurig machine

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