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KiwiBird · 36-40, F
A round dozen. Bakers dozen on a rough day.
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
trick Q.
there is no too much!.
there is no too much!.
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Depends on the individual. I drink up to 4 cups per day and I'm doing fine.
Coffee in moderation reportedly is good for most people. Increasing the amount you drink by a little bit probably wouldn't hurt.
Coffee in moderation reportedly is good for most people. Increasing the amount you drink by a little bit probably wouldn't hurt.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
4 to 6 is about right
I'm sure it varies from person to person. for me it's about 16 oz. caffeine is an easy to underestimate chemical.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
You’re not supposed to have more than four cups it’s not good for your Kidneys
Wiseacre · F
3 lg cups is too many!
I drink coffee 3 times a week (one cup)
I drink coffee 3 times a week (one cup)
Dino11 · M
Two in the AM, more in the PM if I need it.
wackidywack · 26-30
I think more than 1 but that's just me 😅
Convivial · 26-30, F
Is there such a thing?🤔
DDonde · 31-35, M
3 is where I draw the limit for myself yeah. I try to stay to two though.