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Would you eat this?

I would. Infact i did. I didnt make it this time. Its a healthy lunch.
Moonpenny · F
I'd eat it.
Nice and colourful too 😋
ArtieKat · M
@Moonpenny Good to see you back :-)
Moonpenny · F
@ArtieKat Hello! Good to see you too. I rarely come on now. Hope the catering business is thriving 😄
deadteddy · 26-30, F
Yes. If all the Americans ate that for lunch instead of fried food , the U.S. would be a healthier and thinner country. Unfortunately in some places affording that amount of veggies can be expensive for some.
AnommonA86 · 36-40, F
@deadteddy when have you seen obese people at any fast food restaurants
deadteddy · 26-30, F
@AnommonA86 Often
Perry1968 · M
@deadteddy I agree. Theres no substance or goodness in any of it.
I think I would
Perry1968 · M
@SW-User You have prompted me to do a post about it now lol. Just curious if anyone has used it to effect. Keep up that healthy eating. 🙂
@Perry1968 lol, I’m definitely going to keep up this healthy eating because I hate the weight and feeling sluggish. It’s not a good feeling.
Perry1968 · M
@SW-User Been there. Small steps create big leaps. Stay on track. 👍
Mindful · 56-60, F
Excellent plate, I would skip the Mac and cheese tho
Perry1968 · M
@Mindful They are farm eggs. The chickens are truly free range. So they lay great eggs. Im getting hungry now lol. That meal wasnt today.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@Perry1968 as I said, lucky you!!!!
Perry1968 · M
@Mindful Lol. Im now thinking what to have today.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
No, I wouldn't eat it....there's mayonnaise on the plate, which I'm deathly allergic to.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
@Perry1968 I realize that, and I wouldn't put it on my plate....but if I was given the plate in the photo, I would not eat what is on it (which is what the original post asked).
Perry1968 · M
@DragonFruit Ah got ya. You.d just eat the stuff you like on the plate. As you originally said you wouldnt eat it because of your allergies to mayo. Which is only a small part of the meal in the potato salad.
DragonFruit · 61-69, M
@Perry1968 No, I wouldn’t touch the plate with any mayo on it. I’d either get a plate with no mayo on it or not eat anything....I don’t want any mayo on the plate at all, because for me any mayo makes it about as unhealthy as it can get. Thanks for understanding where I’m coming from on this.
DerSilberneKonig1 · 22-25, M
I'll eat anything for the most part, though i prefer meat, that does look really damn good
Perry1968 · M
@DerSilberneKonig1 I like meat. Chicken. Turkey. The odd steak. But do my best where possible to source half decent food. Were all trapped by supermarket chains now who 'in the main. Sell crap.
DerSilberneKonig1 · 22-25, M
@Perry1968 Felt the last part, thats why i just eat anything thats put infront of me, less stressful, but ill opt for a healither option than what i have if possible
Ontheroad · M
Looks pretty good to me, but if that's a standard-size dinner plate, I probably wouldn't make my way through all of it.
Yes. Also sprinkle some toasted seeds, squeeze of lemon and black pepper. 🤤
SlaveEt · 36-40, F
Very pretty. Love the rainbow of colors!
Perry1968 · M
@SlaveEt I love colour in my food. Looks more appetising. Thank you 🙂
I'd opt to omit the scrambled eggs and potato salad myself.
Perry1968 · M
@metaldog It really was. Gees im hungry now. Lol
@Perry1968 me too and it's 10pm!! 😋
crownedwithlaurel97 · 26-30, F
yes that looks so good
Perry1968 · M
@crownedwithlaurel97 Thank you. It was.
GunFinger · F
Lots of salad there. Sure.
Perry1968 · M
@GunFinger Its got to be good. I lovvve salads.
Penny · 46-50, F
the foods touching too much lol
Looks good to me. Now I'm hungry
Lilymoon · F
Defo ... looks so good
Perry1968 · M
@Lilymoon It was so nice. Im now off to get something healthy lol. Logging off and going to eat. 🙂
Perry1968 · M
@Iwillwait Was lovely 😍
Iwillwait · M
@Perry1968 Looks Awesome!
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
Perry1968 · M
@deadgerbil Went down a treat
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
I will eat whatever I can recognize
Perry1968 · M
@Donotfolowme Me to. I recognise it all. So down it went.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
Golden Corral on steroids
Azlotto · M
I'd eat the hell out of it.
Perry1968 · M
@AnommonA86 Too late anyway. Its gone.
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Perry1968 · M
@Darksideinthenight2 Yes its healthy. Could question the potato salad and coleslaw but meh. Im healthy but not that healthy that i.ll pass it by. I needed the carbs that day anyway.
Musicman · 61-69, M
Only about half of it.
Perry1968 · M
@Musicman Its not as much as you think tbh. Plus i.ll not eat then for the whole day until around 6pm.

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