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The truth about this vaxxine

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RedFlower · F
@EuphoricTurtle hitler and stalin comsumed this on a regular base
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
@RedFlower some religions require initiations that include full immersion in dihydrogen monoxide...including babies!
gregloa · 61-69, M
If you don’t get vaccinated, you will probably get Covid eventually and probably soon and you could die and you could spread it to others and they and their families could die and many will. The risk of dying is around 1 to 6 percent nobody really knows maybe higher. The risk of an adverse side effect of any vaccine is much lower and way lower risk of dying. Even the Johnson&Johnson which I received with no side effects that is currently paused because.0006 percent had an adverse reaction they are currently investigating. It’s a no brainer for Pete’s sake. Vaccines are and will save lives and can and will end this pandemic.
@gregloa I beg to differ, there is a 9 page Pfizer document that has a list of adverse side effects including death.
Turn off your TV and stop following the cult.
Carissimi · F
Right. Get a vaccine that 1. Does not work for Omicron, and 2. Does not stop you from catching Covid and spreading it to others. By the way, it was the CEO of Pfizer who said the vaccine does not work for Omicron. Also, your figures are wrong. There are many injuries from these vaccines, but you won’t know it, if all your info comes from MSM. @gregloa
@Carissimi every word that brainwashed idiot has said are the same lines repeated on TV. 🤣😂🤣🤣😂 can only laugh at these indoctrinated and brainwashed puppets.
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
You know what type of chemicals are in the food you eat?
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@TurtlePink I read labels and avoid some chemicals, have cut way down on processed foods because of it.
Konicha605 · 22-25, F
lol i love this
Thespis · M
Reminds me of a speech I gave in HS warning of the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide. After winning the speech competition my acceptance speech was basically “thank you for this award, I’m truly honest and glad that so many people support my position against water”. The dumbfounded looks we’re priceless. I still worded how many people realized they were duped.
So.. we should just shut up and take an untested juice where the manufacturer has immunity from litigation and needs to be sued for data?

Lolz 👍🤔
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout I am hearing that doctors who promised to dummy up about the vax dangers got to get saline injections instead of the real vax. How about that?
@cherokeepatti when you gotta sue big pharmaceutical for their trial data.. even tho they have immunity..
and feel that anti vaxxers are the problem..

Houston.. we got a problem
I am not one that will ever push anything on anyone i fully believe a person should do as they see fit if you choose to take the vaccine then good if not that is fine as well i took the vaccine i for one chose to take it because i had a co- worker perfectly healthy 48 years of age that contracted Covid and died from the shit so id rather take my chances with the vaccine than risk dying that is just my 2 cents on it but like i said to each there own
In fairness, what exactly does this prove?
@RedFlower cult followers like you disgust me to the bone.
Carissimi · F
I suppose you are reviled at those who suffer injuries from the vaccine too. What an ugly heart you have. You disgust me. @RedFlower
@Carissimi I didn’t think she had one to begin with lol.

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