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Best ways to cope with sugar cravings?

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reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
sugar craving are most often caused by consuming sugar or a high carb meal. put simply, if you eat lots of carb it gives you a big high and a big low and then you want more. the way to avoid this is to avoid sugar, never eat carbs without also having protein and fiber with it, always eat small portions of carbs. so basically every meal should contain: lots of vegetables, some protein and a small portion of carbs(potatoes, rice, bread), eat many small meals instead of large ones, don't skip meals, don't wait until you're starving to eat.
Aw that's too bad, it sounds like you know your stuff. I definitely need to make a healthy food change a priority. I hope you figure out whether you want to continue your studies.
reflectingmonkey · 51-55, M
@KayraJordyn thank you, these kind of conversations make me want to get back to it, I get a lot of self-doubt
That can happen. What I fear I create. I fear I won't do well, so I won't do it for now. That creeps up. I hope you have someone to talk to who can encourage you.
Peaceful · F
Low sugar fruits, like berries.
Chewing gum helps me sometimes.
Lara007 · 41-45, F
Eat sweet fruit...
Frozen raspberries. Frozen strawberries, cut up, if you're creative, add a lil milk. I don't love em that way, but I have friends who add milk.
Rokasu · 36-40, M
Develop a sugar allergies.

I kid I kid. Take a nap and let your body sleep.
Eat some crepes.
YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
@GreenGoddess I’ve just been eating crepes! And cupcakes
@YouCanCallMeDan What flavor crepes?
YouCanCallMeDan · 41-45, M
@GreenGoddess chocolate and hazelnut 😋
xRedx · M
Drink water with lime and add stevia
dondon · M
Eat some oil and wait for 30 min
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
Make sure you are full.Eat balanced.
katielass · F
Eat something sweet.
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SailorMarz · F
Don't look at me, i just give in
[image/video deleted]
Tminus6453 · M
Drink a large glass of water when the cravings hit
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
get celiac disease.
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Stay alive fren. 😁
These lyrics aren't for everyone, only if you understand. 🖤
AlmostAnAngel · 100+, F
Sew my mouth shut.

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