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Best place to get a $2,000 loan?

So I took out a $10,000 loan a few years ago because I had to get a new HVAC unit in my house. I was supposed to pay $75 a month for 10 years, but after a couple of years, I was doing ok financially and so I refinanced the loan with a Discover Personal Loan and have been paying $266.06 a month and it will be paid off in 4 years. I'm on my last year and it should be paid off by the end of this year.
Problem is that paying this off, as well as some health problems I have had to buy a lot of medication for monthly, I am in severe financial difficulties now and am terrified of losing my home.
I'm desperately trying to find ways to save money each month so I don't lose my home. I have cut out all energy drinks, only eating once a day, and have discontinued my Apple Music, my iPad, cable, and have changed my plans on cell phone and auto insurance for discounts.
Today I was thinking about my Discover personal loan and was wondering if I could take out a $2,000 loan with another company, pay off the $1800 Discover loan and have much smaller payments, even though it wouldn't be paid off this year.
So is that a good idea? The $266 a month I am paying is eating me alive and I am desperate to get that payment down.
Besides Discover, what are some more good companies that I can get a fast loan from? I do have excellent credit.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
$1800 is a relatively small amount.
With good credit you are probably getting mail from credit card companies offering you a balance transfer at 0% interest for 18 to 20 months. Get the card. Pay off your loan with the card. With $100 per month payments, your card will be paid off before it begins accruing interest.
Good luck.
Mardrae · F
@daydeeo good idea. I just thought someone might know a good company offhand that I could call.
Neman1622 · 41-45, M
@Mardrae it sounds like you only have discover? Not a visa or Mastercard or Amex, or even a credit card from your bank? I'm getting 0% balance transfer offers frequently. Maybe you're not in the States though? I'm not sure you can open a new credit card with a zero percent transfer right off the bat, but Google it
Mardrae · F
@Neman1622 I don't want a credit card. I have several. Discount only uses bank accounts for payment
you should check with your bank, they may be willing to give you a small loan or a line of credit to use for emergencies.
Mardrae · F
@nonsensiclesnail all insurance companies are like that here. I shopped around and got estimates from several companies and each one gave me a big list of repairs I had to do to be insured by them.
I certainly hope you're joking about the prostitution comment. I'm an old ugly lady and even if I wasn't, I have morals.
@Mardrae I am just joking. And really, even if you were a gorgeous woman thats a ....well, not really an answer. its a nightmare.
im jsut not sure how else one might proceed.
Mardrae · F
@nonsensiclesnail me neither. Sorry- I really thought you were serious 😂
It's a good idea if you don't have other options and need to get your pymt down.
Mardrae · F
@Spoiledbrat yes, I don't have other options but I need to know the names of some good companies to get the loan from. I tried to google it, but every site wants to get too much info, check my credit score, etc and I just want the names of someone to get a loan from to refinance the Discover loan.
Hm i could loan it to you, but id need some collateral
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Get a job or go on disability
Mardrae · F
@Flenflyys wtf? I work a full time job already- 40 hours a week, and although I have health problems from long COVID and diabetes, I most certainly don't qualify for disability.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
So here's what you do. You go downtown, spread the word around that you need some money fast...

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