I don't need one. I don't have any dependants either but I have descendants and they will inherit automatically according to Norwegian law.
For most people who have family (children, parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.) in Norway the rules would automatically and compulsorily distribute two thirds of the estate to the children or their issue. Each child getting up to 1.5 million kr. (about 150 000 USD, not sure what that is in AUD). If the deceased had no children and no will it goes to their parents and thence to their heirs if the parents had already died.
For couples where there is no will the surviving partner can decide whether to distribute the deceased's fortune immediately to the children in the legally defined amounts (skifte) or delay it until their own death (uskifte). The surviving partner can treat the property of the deceased as their own including selling the house, etc.
The rules were simplified and liberalised last year so I'm likely wrong in some details.
But unless, like me, you are an immigrant with no extended family in the country the government would most likely not get any of the money. In my case all three of my children would have to predecease me for the government to get it but if I had parents here and they had other children then even if all my children die without issue then it would go to my parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, etc.